
Simple inventory system for Unity

Primary LanguageShaderLab

Unity Simple Inventory System



  • Unity version: 2021.3.7f1 (LTS).
  • Development time: ~10 hours.


  • TOP bar: Add items and increase time counter.
  • Inventory panel (right-bottom corner): Inventory UI showing the items stored in the inventory and allowing to interact with them.
  • Each inventory panel slot shows the items monetary/gold value (yellow color), weight (white) and duration (purple).

UI Controls

  • MouseLeftClick - Add item or increase time (top buttons) or activate an item in the inventory (if possible).
  • MouseRightClick - Sell an item in the inventory (if possible).
  • MouseMiddleClick - Drop (remove) an item in the inventory.
  • Mouse hover - Show the details of an item in the inventory.
  • I - Show/Hide inventory.

Implementation details

  • The inventory slots are created when the game starts, the number of slots (and max weight) can be changed from the Inventory script attached to the Player object.
  • The game items Item (scriptable objects) can be created using the Create/Items menu option in the project tab.
  • The inventory UI and Actions managers (sell, drop, activate) point to the Inventory system.
  • Once a game Item is stored in the Inventory, it is encapsulated in a InventoryItem which contains the duration and value.
  • Despite that not every item needs a duration and a value, I decided to implement it as virtual methods to avoid the excessive types parsing.

Unity Project relevant folders under /Assets

/Items: Game items definition.

/Scripts: The developed scripts.

Note that...

  • The controls UI elements have been implemented in a quicker and least ideal way than the rest of the project elements, since their only prupose is to test the inventory system.