National Information Exchange Model

NIEM for ServiceNow


ServiceNow's objective is to facilitate the automation of work across internal and external applications. Each legacy or modern application has its own domain, and its own language. To enable ServiceNow to communicate with those systems and be the “Platform of Platforms”, it is crucial to extend ServiceNow's core vocabulary. NIEM, the National Information Exchange Model provides a common framework that is used to define how information can be shared between systems, government agencies, and the private sector. It represents a collaborative partnership of agencies and organizations across all levels of government (federal, state, tribal, and local) and with private industry.

Extension of ServiceNow data model with selected elements from the National Information Exchange Model

Domain Name Definition Notes
Core Address A postal location to which paper mail can be directed.
Core Agency A division of a governmental or international body.
Core Case An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events
Core Entity A person, organization, or item
Core Incident An occurrence or an event that may require a response. Use the standard Incident table to manage unplanned interruption to or quality reduction of an IT service.
Core Person A human being
Core Organization A unit which conducts some sort of business or operation
Core Request A formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority.


A human being

Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Type
PersonBirthDate (nc:DateType) A date a person was born.
PersonName (nc:PersonNameType) A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. We don't store the history of name changes
PersonBirthDate (nc:DateType) A date a person was born.
PersonFullName A complete name of a person.
PersonGivenName A first name of a person.
PersonJobTitleText A title or label that briefly describes the position or kind of work a person does. nc:TextType JobTitleText
PersonSurName A last name or family name of a person.
PersonNameSalutationText A formal sign or expression of greeting that is appropriate for this person.
PersonUSCitizenIndicator True if a person is a citizen of the United States; false otherwise.


A data type for a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority.

Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Type
RequestContactInformation nc:ContactInformationType A set of contact information for a point of contact for the request.
RequestDate nc:DateType A date on which a request was made.
RequestDecisionText nc:TextType A decision that was made over a request.
RequestDescriptionText nc:TextType A description of a request.
RequestIdentification nc:IdentificationType An identification of a request.
RequestText nc:TextType A request message.
RequestDecisionDate nc:DateType A date on which a decision was recorded for a request.
RequestCategoryAbstract <abstract element, no type> A kind of request
RequestStatus nc:StatusType A status of a request.
RequestAugmentationPoint <abstract element, no type>. An augmentation point for RequestType.


Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Column name
CaseYearDate A year a case is opened. u_caseyeardate
CaseResolutionText A result of a case. (nc:TextType)
CaseTitleText An official name of a case. (nc:TextType)
CaseTrackingID An identifier used to track a case. string
CurrentMilestone The current milestone
Milestones Accomplishments during the execution of a case List


Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Column name
Legal Business Name The legal name of
Name A name of an organization. String OrganizationName
DoingBusinessAsName A name an organization uses for conducting business.
cageCode The Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) Code is a five-character alphanumeric identifier assigned to entities located in the United States and its outlying areas by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Program to identify a given facility or location of a commercial or government entity.
ueiSAM The Unique Entity ID from SAM.gov is the authoritative identifier for entities doing business with the federal government.

| Business Types | The different business types that can classify an entity as described by SAM.gov | Reference | | Website | | country_of_incorporation | Reference | core_country

Entity Structure

The structure of the entity as defined by the IRS.

Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Column name
Code String
Description. String

Business Type

The different business types that can classify an entity as described by SAM.gov. Ex: SBA Certified 8(a) Program Participant

Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Column name
Code String
Description. String


A set of location information, often described by postal information.

Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Column name
addressLine1 String
addressLine2 String
city String cityName
postalCode String
postalExtensionCode String
country reference core_country


A facility where an aircraft may take off, land, be repaired or sheltered, or receive supplies.

Property Definition Type NIEM Type. ServiceNow Column name
IATA code String AirportCodeAbstract
Country code String AirportCodeAbstract