
LinkAnalysis Component for ServiceNow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SericeNow Link Analysis Component



  1. Fork this repo into your GitHub account.

    • You can fork any repo by clicking the fork button in the upper right hand corner of a repo page.
  2. Clone the fork of your repo, so you can edit the contents locally

    git clone <repo url>
  3. Install the required components

    npm install
  4. Test the component locally

    snc ui-component develop --open
  5. Deploy the component to a ServiceNow instance

    snc ui-component deploy --force 
  6. Make edits to your local cloned copy of the repo on your computer

  7. Add, commit and push those edits back to your fork on GitHub

  8. Suggest the changes that you made, to be added to the original repo using a pull request