
Remote monitoring and dashboard for monitor your website

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Remote monitoring and dashboard for monitor your website.


updown logo


$ npm install updown


First create service with updown.createService()

You must pass option ping:true for simply check service status

google = updown.createService('Google Service', {
  url: 'http://www.google.com',
  ping: true


To specify time to check service status, simply pass the cronTime option with cron job format

google = updown.createService('Check Google Uptime', {
  url: 'http://www.google.com',
  cronTime: '00 30 11 * * 1-5'
  ping: true
  // Runs every weekday (Monday through Friday)
  // at 11:30:00 AM. It does not run on Saturday sor Sunday.

Available Cron patterns

Asterisk. E.g. *
Ranges. E.g. 1-3,5
Steps. E.g. */2

Cron example

*/10 * * * * 1-2  Run every 10 seconds on Monday and Tuesday
00 */2 * * * *  Run every 2 minutes everyday
00 30 09-10 * * * Run at 09:30 and 10:30 everyday
00 30 08 10 06 * Run at 08:30 on 10th June

* Use 0 for Sunday

Read more cron patterns here.


The following events are currently supported:

  - `success` when service has up
  - `error` when service has down

For example this may look something like the following:

google.on('error', function(){
  console.log('google has service down')

google.on('success', function(){
  console.log('google has service up')

Processing Service

To processing service. First create service instance and don't pass ping option, Updown not use url option to ping service status, so you can pass not only url but also pass string or service name you want.

we invoke done.error() for service has down and done.success() when service has up

database = updown.createService('Backup Database', {
  url: 'Some instance on Amazon EC2',
  cronTime: '00 */5 * * * *'

database.process(function(done) {

You can pass object or string parameter to tell Updown what is response when processing service to show up on web UI

database.process(function(done) {
      done.error('Database not found.')
        filename: data.databaseName,
        size: data.databaseSize,
        createDate: data.createDate


On web interface when you pass data to done.success(data) or done.error(data) updown

Email Alert

Calling updown.mailConfig() with SMTP config to send mail when service change status from up to down

  service: "Gmail",
  auth: {
      user: "gmail.user@gmail.com",
      pass: "userpass"

Pass the sendmail option for service you want to send mail.

google = updown.createService('Check Google Uptime', {
  url: 'http://www.google.com',
  ping: true
  sendmail: true

Connect with Express

Incorporate updown into your express app in just one step.

Add the Middleware to express

express = require("express");
app = express();

Example Application

There is an example application at ./example To run it:

$ cd example
$ node server.js

Securing updown

Add authentication for your app by adding additional middleware like Connect's basicAuth()

app.use(express.basicAuth('testUser', 'testPass'));


updown.createService( name, options)

  • url - [REQUIRED] - The service location.
  • ping - [OPTIONAL] - Simply ping the url. don't use this option when use updown.process().
  • cronTime - [OPTIONAL] - defaults to 00 */1 * * * * run every 1 minutes.


Set path to web interface. defaults is root path '/'.


  • Use Socket.io to update service status.
  • Display both local and server time
  • Add update.sendmail(true) for send email for all service when status down as default
  • Add options sendmail: false when use method createService() for disable send mail
  • Add time zone to service down time to email