Recipe Management System

The Recipe Management System is a Python Django-based web application designed to help you store and manage your favorite recipes and ingredients. With this application, you can easily keep track of the ingredients for your favorite dishes and revisit them whenever you need to recreate your culinary masterpieces.


  1. git clone
  2. cd Recipe-Management-System
  3. pipenv shell
  4. python runserver


The Recipe Management System provides an intuitive user interface to store and manage your recipes. You can add new recipes, update existing ones, and browse through your collection to find the perfect recipe for any occasion.

Deploying on Render

Deploying the Recipe Management System on Render is super simple. Follow these steps to get your application up and running:

Create a Render Account:

Go to Render and sign up for a free account. Create a New Web Service:

After logging in, click on the "New" button and select "Web Service". Connect Your Repository:

Select "Connect your repository" and choose the Recipe Management System repository from GitHub.

Click the "Create Web Service" button. Render will start building and deploying your application.

Technologies used

  1. Python
  2. Django
  3. Html
  4. Bootstrap
