Agroleague test


Disclaimer : There was some last minute error and I could not make the seeds file working properly. (Couldn't insert posts and reco). So to test the application you will have to create data manually. I inserted the insomnia file so you can use it with postman or other request tools. Sorry about that.


For a faster integration, I used a boilerplate that included most of the tools that I was going to use in my nodejs web server application :

  • Authentification and authorization with passport
  • Express JS
  • Typescript
  • Prisma
  • Docker
  • Dotenv for environement variables

Data model

The main model here is a Post. We consider a post as question made by our user. This Posthas :

  • one-to-one relation with a User
  • one-to-many relation with a Category
  • one-to-one relation with a Reco

A Recois a set of data containing the agronome answer to the Post And finally a Categoryis simply a table containing information about the different sections the post is related about

How is it working

When you start the project with yarn start it will :

  • create a docker with the db
  • Initialize and push prisma
  • Create the seeds data (error here..)
  • Start the web server on port 3000

TODO on backend side

  • Test...


For the mobile side I decided to start with the Ignite boilerplate (one of React team recommendation). This boilerplate include multiple tools out of the box :

  • State management with mobx state tree
  • API request with Apisauce
  • Testing with maestro and jest (I didn't have time to dig this aspect for this app)
  • Navigation with react navigation

How is it working

There is two main component:

  • Login
  • Home You can not enter the app if you are not logged. When you are logged you arrive on a TabContainer containing two sections :
  • Your posts
  • All the posts of all the users

Those two tabs have their own Stack Navigation in order to select a post that we want to the detail of

Run the mobile

  • Make sure you started the backend server first before running the mobile
  • Since I am using an old computer which had lot of trouble running simulator and working on local plateforme because of dependancy issues(ios and android), I did not want to waste time debbugin the environment so I decided to test only on the web side. That is why the yarn start is starting expo for the web.

TODO on mobile side

  • Tests
  • Pagination on lists
  • Edit a post that you created
  • Add a new post (the button was added, but I did'nt have time to create the page)
  • Connection with admin profile
  • Multiple colors for categories on post
  • Information about the post status (answered or pending) on the list
  • Admin can make recommendation on questions