
kiss local vimrc with hash protection

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Configuration: these are the defaults:

let g:local_vimrc = {'names':['.vimrc','.vimrc.lua'], 'hash_fun':'LVRHashOfFile'}

Mind that lua files can be sourced the same way so using .vimrc.lua or similar should just be fine.


  • When Vim starts up, every directory from root to the directory of the file is traversed and special files such as .(local-)vimrc files are sourced

  • Because you don't want to run untrusted code by accident, this plugin calculates a hash before sourcing. If its unknown you must confirm sourcing the file. The hash is updated automatically if you write a local vimrc file.

  • if you change a directory and edit a file the local vimrc files are resourced


create a .vimrc in your project directory. To make sure it's working, add: echo "this file is being sourced by vim"

Sample local .vimrc

  " using vim-addon-sql providing alias aware SQL completion for .sql files and PHP:
  autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.sql,*.php call vim_addon_sql#Connect('mysql',{'database':'DATABASE', 'user':'USER', 'password' : 'PASSWORD'})

  " for php use tab as indentation character. Display a tab as 4 spaces:
  " autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.php set noexpandtab| set tabstop=4 | set sw=4
  autocmd FileType php setlocal noexpandtab| setlocal tabstop=4 | setlocal sw=4

  " hint: for indentation settings modelines can be an alternative as well as
  " various plugins trying to set vim's indentation based on file contents.
augroup end

KISS: If you need filetype support write au commands into the local vimrc.

Yes I know that there are already a couple of existing similar plugins. But I they work for filetypes only (why?) and they don't verify file contents.


directory local .vimrc without walking up directory tree using vim builtin 'exrc' option: :h 'exrc' :h 'secure' but 'secure' is not very secure, eg echo system('cat .vimrc') is executed unless the file belongs to a different owner..


Thiago de Arruda (github.com/tarruba)