
Vcash Install & Update script.

Primary LanguageShell

Vcash Install / Update Scripts

Warning !

Please backup your existing wallet files (~/.Vcash/data/ folder). I can't be responsible if you broke something.



GCC/G++ >= 4.8.* / git / screen / curl. On low-spec hardware, don't forget to increase the SWAP (min 1024MB) to avoid the 'Virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory' during the build process.

Debian / Ubuntu / Raspbian

sudo apt-get install build-essential openssl curl git-core screen -y


Be sure to have enough Swap to avoid 'Virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory'. Raspbian default Swap size is 100mb, please increase the size before building.

Check Swap size:

free -m

Example with 1024mb as Swap size:

sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

Edit the file:


Save & restart dphys-swapfile:

sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start

Install / Update

As user (fresh ssh login as user, not su switch to user from the root account):

bash < <(curl -s  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/john-connor/vcash-scripts/master/build-linux.sh)

The script will auto launch vcashd at the end. Resume the screen session with:

screen -x vcashd

Ctrl-a Ctrl-d to detach


Be sure there's no vcashd running before !

ps x | grep '[v]cashd'

To launch:

cd ~/vcash/
screen -d -S vcashd -m ./vcashd


As user: Autostart Vcash daemon on reboot with crontab:

crontab -e

Add this entry (edited with your username):

@reboot pgrep vcashd > /dev/null || cd /home/your_username/vcash && screen -d -S vcashd -m ./vcashd

save & check crontab:

crontab -l

Then do a reboot test.