Jam #4

Welcome to the fourth langjam!

This jam begins at 9pm UK time on the 17th of Feb and runs until 9pm UK time on the 19th of Feb.


The theme of jam is: "The sound(ness) of one hand typing"

The theme, like other jams, is meant to be taken figuratively as well, so don't be afraid to get creative with your interpretation.

Getting started

To participate:

  • fork this repo
  • make a copy of the TEMPLATE directory
  • rename the copy to the name of your languages (for example, if your language is "starlang" rename TEMPLATE to starlang)
  • update the TEAM file in the directory with the name of your team members. Team members should be listed by their GitHub username. The first username on the list of team members is the team captain (see below)
  • send a PR to submit your project. In this PR, only touch files in the directory you're creating for your language and no other directories.

Language names are "first come, first served" so if someone else takes your language name you'll need to come up with a new one.

See below for more information on submitting your project.

Language names

Please keep your language name "family-friendly". Sole discretion for what counts as "family friendly" is left up to JT, but if the name is safe/kid-friendly you should be fine.

Team sizes

Teams can have one person or multiple people.

Time limits

Code for this project must be completed in the 48 hours of the jam. No projects will be accepted after this deadline.

You also have an optional additional 48 hours after the jam where you can spend a total of 12 hours as a team working on a website and documentation. This is optional. You may choose to submit documentation along with the project submission above in the first 48 hours, and that is also acceptible.

Submitting your project

When you submit your project, send a PR that updates only your languages's directory and nothing else.

In the PR, submit:

  • your project's source
  • a README.md that describes how to build and use the project
  • sample files written in your language
  • links to any presentation you might have (websites, videos, etc)
  • NOTE: if you are using the additional documentation/website time, be sure to link to this documentation from your README.md file in the PR

Please note: only submit source files and documentation. Please don't submit compiled binaries for your project.

Team captains

The team captains will be the ones responsible for updating the submission. You may update your project up until the cut-off time.

Help, I've never used GitHub

You can read through the helpful hello world from GitHub. If you've never forked a repo, you can check out the GitHub forking tutorial.


The langjam begins at 9pm UK time on the 17th of Feb and runs until 9pm UK time on the 19th of Feb. At 9pm UK time on the 19th of Feb, we'll end submissions for the jam and begin the optional documentation period. Make sure you have submitted your PR before this cut-off.

After the first 48 hours, you have an optional additional 48 hours where you can spend up to 12 total hours working on a website and documentation. You're not required to use this time, but it is there to give you time to rest and write docs.


Judging will take place after the jam has ended. Once judging has concluded, we'll pick a set of winning projects.

You're welcome to try out other projects. We'll have a way to leave comments so you can share your thoughts and vote on which you liked best, too.

Other rules

General information about the langjam is available in the main langjam README.

Social media

If you like, you can tag your social media posts with #langjam2023 to help others find you.