
A Car travel calculator that uses a directed and weighted nodes in a Graph, to calculate the shortest path from a traveler location to the nearest car in the graph nodes locations

Primary LanguageJava


A Car travel calculator that uses a directed and weighted nodes in a Graph, to calculate the shortest path from a traveler location to the nearest car in the graph nodes locations

Algorithm implementation

This project implements a Breath First Search and Dijkstra's algorithms to calculate the shortest path to the nearest car for the travel.

  • Uses an own Graph and Node implementation classes to create an Adjacency List of nodes in a graph that represents the locations in a city.

    • Uses ConcurrentHashMap to handle the adjacent list of nodes.
  • BFS calculates the nearest first 3 cars (cars that are located in the vertex current consulted), then creates a new Graph with the nodes processed.

    • Uses an ArrayQueue to enqueue the next nodes to process.
    • Uses a HashMap to handle the visited nodes to do not repeat them.
    • Uses an ArrayList to collect the nearest 3 cars.
  • A Dijkstra's algorithm is used over the shrunk graph created by the BFS, to calculate the shortest path to the cars also found in BFS.

    • Uses a PriorityQueue (min heap) to get the node with the lowest cost (edge).
    • Handles the calculation result costs (edges) in a HashMap.
  • This algorithm is Thread-Safe due does not share objects, is a complete encapsulation.

  • A set of JUnit test methods tests the behavior in a single thread and multithreading environment.

Core libraries

  • Concurrent API (*java.util.concurrent.**)
    • ConcurrentHashMap
    • AtomicInteger
    • ExecutorService
    • Executor
    • Callable
  • Collections API
    • PriorityQueue
    • ArrayDeque
    • ArrayList
    • HashMap