
This Class provides a STL Like Array being accessible on CUDA Device and Host.

Primary LanguageCuda

Host-Device Array

This class provides a basic STL Array like interface which is accessible on host and Device. It is still in development, sofar only some basic access members are avaialble.


Initializing the class

Parametized Constructor

The class has no default constructor, but can be initialized with a parameterised constructor for any type T (template<class T>) and size S (size_t)

#include "src/array.h"

int main(void){
    // this will create an HDA::Array
    HDA::Array<T> array(S);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Creating the array in this way does not provide a direct accessibility on the device (it is created on the host). However, it still contains a device pointer which can be accessed for example with the HDA::Array<double> data() member.

new Operator

In order to have a propper host device access the new operator can be used:

#include "src/array.h"

int main(void){
    // this will create a pointer to one HDA::Array  
    // this pointer uses the CUDA Managed space and can thus be accessed on host and device
    HDA::Array<T> * array = new HDA::Array<T> (S);
    // At the end the array needs to be deleted
    delete array;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Accessing Data

There are a bunch of different accessing methods implemented. Once initialized with the new operator the class can be passed by reference to functions and kernels:

// definition example of CUDA kernel
__global__ void kernel_name(HDA::Array<T> & );
// definition example of host function 
void function_name(HDA::Array<T> & );

Note that the new operator returns a pointer thus calling these requires dereferencing:

// Create array of type with the size elements 
auto array = new HDA::Array<T> (S);

// call kernel
kernel_name<<<Blogs,Threads>>> (*array);

// call host function

The following Access methods are implemented and are callable on device and host.

  • __host__ __device__ T & HDA::Array<T>::operator[](size_t)
    • Write access to the data at given index.
  • __host__ __device__ const T & HDA::Array<T>::operator[](size_t) const
    • Read access to the data at given index.
  • __host__ __device__ T & HDA::Array<T>::at(size_t)
    • Write access to the data at given index.
  • __host__ __device__ const T & HDA::Array<T>::at(size_t) const
    • Read access to the data at given index.
  • __host__ __device__ T & HDA::Array<T>::front()
    • Write access to the data at index = 0.
  • __host__ __device__ const T & HDA::Array<T>::front() const
    • Read access to the data at index = 0.
  • __host__ __device__ T & HDA::Array<T>::back()
    • Write access to the data at max index.
  • __host__ __device__ const T & HDA::Array<T>::back() const
    • Read access to the data at max index.
  • __host__ __device__ T * HDA::Array<T>::data()
    • Returns the pointer to the data either on host or device, where ever it is called. Write access is granted.
  • __host__ __device__ const T * HDA::Array<T>::back() const
    • Returns the pointer to the data either on host or device, where ever it is called. Read access only.
  • __host__ __device__ const size_t HDA::Array<T>::size() const
    • Returns the number of elements of the pointer (S).
  • __host__ __device__ const size_t HDA::Array<T>::count() const
    • Returns the data size of the array (S * sizeof(T))


To take care of synchronization of host and device data two simple functions are implemented

  • __host__ void HDA::Array<T>::hostToDeviceSync()
    • Copies the host data to the device
  • __host__ void HDA::Array<T>::deviceToHostSync()
    • Copies the device data to the host

How To Compile

The compilation is not fully worked out and is only tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

  • Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Marcel-Rodekamp/Host-Device_Array.git
  • Go to the folder and call cmake
cd Host-Device_Array
cmake CMakeLists.txt
  • Compile the class

What you need

You will need the following modules previously installed

  • cmake version 3.17 or higher
  • CUDA 10.2 or higher
    • With that nvcc
  • GNU 7.5.0