
A Database of Real Faults and an Experimental Infrastructure to Enable Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering Research

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

This repository containes the files for Seminar Software Quality at TUM, topic: Test Suite Minimization:

Toolchain to obtain test wise coverage using Teamscale JaCoCo agent and upload it automatically to Teamscale and conduct a Test Suite Minmization with fault detection evaluation.


  • defects4j/: The orginal defects4j repository adjusted to support running the Teamscale Jacoco agent, 2 Test Listeners and a custom Test Runner.
  • seminar-test-listener/: Contains the source code for two JUnit Test Listener: One Test Listener to record test execution information and another to inform Teamscale JaCoCo agent about the currently executed test method.
  • seminar-test-runner/: A custom test runner to run reduced test suites given as a file of uniform paths of selected test methods.
  • seminar-util/: Various converters between different format, a config generator and automation tools to automatically conduct test suite minimization with Teamscale.
  • /: Some other shell scripts used to orchestrate automatic testwise coverage generation and test suite minimization.