
An extremely barebones React Starter

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Couteau - Barebones React Starter

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I often find myself making a barebones React instance to play with ideas, new libraries, or to attempt to reproduce odd isssues.

create-react-app is wonderful but its vast hidden mechanisms means it's often hard to tinker with easily.

This leaves all the configuration extremely minimal and lets you persue your goals without having to google which exact babel packages you need with webpack again.

Running Couteau


  1. yarn - install dependencies


  1. yarn start - run hot reloading webpack-dev-server


  1. yarn build - create production bundle


  • React/React-DOM
  • Webpack 4 w/ webpack-dev-server
  • Babel 7 w/ JSX preset
  • A single "hello" component.

Why "Couteau"?

In cooking there's an idea that for nearly all things, you really only need a chef's knife. Knife in French is "couteau". Now you know.