
Data cleaning tool.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data Cleaning Tool

Usage with Docker

The tool can be used as a Docker container.

  1. Prepare a folder with all CSV files that you would like to clean, e.g. /path/to/files
  2. Build the docker image from the root directory of this project: docker build -t data-cleaning:1.1.0 .
  3. Run the image with the folder you prepared mounted into the container. Also, set the environment accordingly: docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name "data_cleaning_tool" -v /path/to/files:/var/data:ro,Z -e TABLES_DIRECTORY=/var/data data-cleaning:1.1.0

You should be able to reach the tool under http://localhost:5000. Note that this deployment is not meant to run in production in any way. Check the Gunicorn Documentation on how to deploy it properly (with SSL and everything).

Manual usage


The backend of the tool is written in Python3 and depends on the following libraries:

Name URL Install
scikit-learn https://scikit-learn.org/stable/index.html pip install scikit-learn
Flask https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/ pip install Flask
Jinja2 https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/ pip install Jinja2
Pandas https://pandas.pydata.org/ pip install pandas
Unidecode https://pypi.org/project/Unidecode/ pip install Unidecode

Make sure you have Python3 and pip installed with the dependencies in the table above.


  1. Go to data_cleaning/tables.txt and insert the absolute paths of the .csv-files that you want to clean. Do not move, rename or delete this file!
  2. Go to the root folder of this project and execute python -m data_cleaning.start_server. This will start the server and process the data.
    • To run the program on a specific port, run python -m data_cleaning.start_server -p PORTNUMBER, with PORTNUMBER any portnumber you want. By default, the program will run on port 5000.
    • Functional dependencies are disabled by default since version v1.1.0. Add --enable-functional-dependencies to the command to enable this functionality.
  3. Go to (or to another port) to use the client and start your cleaning procedure.