
Project n°4 : Optimisez un site web existant

Name of the project : La chouette agence

The objective was to analyze the SEO of the site provided and to propose at least 10 improvements. I then made the improvements on the site. The results are then compared, showing that the new site has been improved.

Topics covered: SEO, Accessibility, security, server optimization.


* Content-Security-Policy
* Cache
* Aria and role
* Google analytics
* Google seach console
* Access key
* Tabindex
* Meta Og et twitter cards
* .htacess
* sitemap.xml
* manifest.json
* robots.txt
* Canonical tag
* A breadcrumb trail
* An accessibility page
* Lazy loading on img
* Actions to secure the site
* Review of the form of the site according to the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)