
Create a business social network

Primary LanguageVue


Create a business social network

The last project of the Web Developer training. I created a REST API with Express, Sequelize and MySQL then for the front-end part I created an application with the Vue.js 3 js framework for this project.



  • Node 15.x
  • Npm 7.7.x

How to install Backend-side

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/Marcelin97/MarcelinLois_7_26012022.git

Create .env file (copy .env.example) and configure it

cp .env.example .env

Go into the project folder and install npm packages

npm install

Run the Backend server

nodemon server

Configure the database

cp .env.example .env

How to install Frontend-side

See client readme here.

Thanks for reading 🙇

💬 ask me about anything, i am happy to help.