Take Home Quiz for Machine Learning 4364 with Prof. Hamidian
Take Home Quiz 1
You can find that on the slides. Please elaborate on the Covid test results in a paragraph.
To begin, sensitivity is the ability of an algorithm to identify true positives, or in this case, correctly identify COVID in a patient. Specificity, on the other hand, is the ability of a test to identify a true negative, or correctly identify COVID-free patients. The CDC's explanation in the article makes sense because a model that is highly sensitive will yield a higher positive predictive value when tested on a population where COVID is prevalent. In other words, the model does better in the environment it was designed for, which is a target population where COVID is significantly present. A population not fitting to this will lower the predictive power of the model. This is why the model does better in a population with 52% prevalence of antibodies vs. 5%.
What is the classification problem you addressing?
What metrics are you using to evaluate your model, and Why?
Show your results and evaluation (Recall, FScore, Accuracy)
Please submit your notebook to GitHub and share the link to the repo. Please make sure that I have granted access to view your repo (sardarr@gmail.com)
The classification problem I've chosen to address is one from my Statistical Data Mining class from last semester. For the midterm, we were given synthetic binary classification data (train-data4.txt) and had to build several classifiers (Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Boosted tree).
The metrics I used to evaluate my model included the Misclassification Rate, Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score. I used these metrics because the misclassification rate tells how often a model makes a FP or FN (false positive or false negative) classification, the accuracy tells us how often the model makes a correct prediction overall, the precision speaks to the sensitivity of the model, the recall the specificity of the model, and the f1_score is an overall score of how a model does, balancing the precision and recall in a weighted average.
Below are the results of one of my logisitic regression models that had been hyperparameter-tuned via GridSearchCV. I also generated the confusion matrix with plot_confusion_matrix and confusion_matrix: