
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


What is it

This is a simple API that prompts Stanford's Alpaca7B, a fine-tuned version of Meta's LLaMa 7B, and gives back the response. It's designed to run on Colab.

How to use it

Open the notebook on Colab. Execute each cell. The last cell will take a couple of minutes. Once everything is done, copy the ngrok link that has been generated.

To prompt the language model, send a json POST request to the /ask endpoint, including a json structured like this:

{"input":"<your prompt>"}

A quick command to test it is

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"input\":\"What are Large Language Models?\"}" <your_ngrok_link>/ask

I also included a very simple web app to prompt the LLM, just run it using python3 webapp.py. Don't forget to change the ngrok link with the one you generated.