
FastTree and FastList controls

Primary LanguageC#

FastTree and FastList

These components are designed to replace standard TreeView, ListBox and CheckedListBox in virtual mode. Components have ample opportunity to fine-tuning, they are fast and reliable.


  • Virtual mode
  • Multiselection
  • Icons, Checkboxes
  • DragAndDrop
  • Node customizing (color, height, visibility, text, indenting, icon, checkbox, etc)
  • Wide set of events: permitting events (e.g. CanUnselectNodeNeeded), data events (e.g. NodeTextNeeded), state events (e.g. NodeSelectedStateChanged), drag&drop events and other.


ScreenShot ScreenShot ScreenShot ScreenShot

More details: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/820415/FastTree-and-FastList

Nuget package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/FastTree/