docker run docker/whalesay
docker run docker/whalesay cowsay boo # Run image with parameters.
docker run docker/whalesay -d # Run in the background.
docker start 97d0c0043df3 # Start a container in the background.
docker restart 97d0c0043df3 # Restart a container.
docker attach 97d0c0043df3 # Attach a terminal & stdin to the container.
docker build -t name/repo:version . # Builds a docker image out of the Dockerfile.
docker build --rm=false -t name/repo:version . # Builds a docker image wihtout deleting the container.
docker commit 97d0c0043df3 name/new-repo # Builds a docker image from a container.
docker rm 97d0c0043df3 # Remove one or more containers.
docker rmi docker/whalesay # Remove one or more images.
docker containers
docker images
docker ps # Show running containers.
docker ps -a # Show all containers.
docker-compose up
docker-compose up -d # Run in the background.
docker-compose up --force-recreate # Force recreate containers
(be aware)
docker-compose up --build # Force build images on start.
docker-compose -f up
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up # Extend docker-compose.yml configuration file.
docker-compose build # Create or rebuild services.
docker-compose pull # Pull the latest image(s) version.
docker-compose run web # Start a specific docker-compose service.
docker-compose run web npm start # Override default service command.
docker-compose run web /bin/bash -c "npm start"
docker-compose --service-ports run web npm start # Run command with the service's ports enabled and mapped to the host.
docker-compose stop # Stop docker containers
docker-compose rm -f # Remove containers