
Online web application-dashboard for report analyzing,running and online monitoring of load tests started with JMeter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JMeter Load Testing Center (codename jltc) - dashboard/report analyzer for load testing with JMeter (http://jmeter.apache.org/).

Developed and used in Innogames GmbH (www.innogames.com) to provide load tests results.

Online web-application/dashboard for "continuous integration" (CI) Load testing with JMeter. A central system for launching (incl. distribution testing), monitoring tests, creating reports and for a comparative analysis between different load tests provided with Jmeter. Can be used with Jenkins or as a replacement for Jenkins + Plugins + Jmeter combination.

Consist of several modules:

  1. Analyzer - build reports, analyze results and compare results with another.
  2. Online - online monitoring for running tests
  3. Controller - configure and run the tests
  4. Administrator - configure different parameters


To try to use this tool, you can try this docker-compose to deploy it quickly. https://github.com/arcmedia/JmeterControlCenter


(!) New feature Upload CSV files with your test results data and get immediately report and compare it with previous tests: alt tag

Get tests overview alt tag


Create dynamic report for the tests alt tag

Get a performance trends for all test results alt tag

Get fancy good-readable aggregate table for the test: alt tag

Get detailed report for executed action: alt tag

Get response times, rps, errors data from test: alt tag

[ONLINE] Online test monitoring

Provides online test monitoring, reads .csv result files and builds graphs online without Graphite,plugins,etc: alt tag


Configure and start tests, using normal or distribution testing. Possible to configure and run pre- and post-test bash-scripts (currently on development) and additional JMeter test-plan parameters: alt tag

The application comes with:

Current requirements.txt file is:


For data storage uses Postgres (9.5+). Supports Linux and Windows.


1. Download

You have to download project files in your folder: $ cd /home/ $ git clone git://github.com/innogames/JMeter-Control-Center.git

2. Requirements

Right there, you will find the requirements.txt file that has all tools, django. To install them, simply type:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Also probably will be needed to install the next packages:

$ apt-get install python-matplotlib

$ apt-get install python-tk

3. Initialize the database

Create your own or rename the example setting file jtlc/settings.py.example to jtlc/settings.py

First set the database engine (only PostgreSQL 9.5+) in your settings files; jltc/settings.py Of course, remember to install necessary database driver for your engine. Then define your credentials as well. By default jltc will use jltc schema in database, which needs to be created:

su - postgres




Then execute in jltc folder:

./manage.py makemigrations

./manage.py migrate

./manage.py loaddata fixtures/initial_data.json

4. Go!

nohup python manage.py runserver 8888 &

5. Running tests with Jenkins

Add in Jenkins job those commands, to prepare test plan and run the test:

Jmeter job parameters list example:

RAMPUP = 1800
TEST_PLAN = testplan.jmx
JMETER_DIR = /var/lib/jmeter/

Job pre-build action example:

duration=$((DURATION + RAMPUP))
TEST_DATA=`python /var/lib/jltc/manage.py shell -c "import controller.views as views; print(views.prepare_test('"$JOB_NAME"','"$WORKSPACE"','"$JMETER_DIR"', '$THREAD_COUNT', '$duration', '$RAMPUP', testplan_file='"$TEST_PLAN"', jenkins_env={'JENKINS_HOME':'"$JENKINS_HOME"','JOB_NAME':'"$JOB_NAME"','BUILD_NUMBER':'"$BUILD_NUMBER"','BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME':'"$BUILD_NUMBER"'}));"`
TEST_PLAN=`python -c 'import json,sys;data=dict('"$TEST_DATA"');print data["testplan"]'`

echo "Test plan: $TEST_PLAN"


java -jar -Xms5g -Xmx5g -Xss256k $JMETER_DIR/bin/ApacheJMeter.jar -n -t $TEST_PLAN -j $WORKSPACE/loadtest.log $VARS -Jjmeter.save.saveservice.default_delimiter=,

5. Test data analysis with Jenkins

To parse data after the test just add in Jenkins post-job script: Copy generated result file to current build directory:

find "$WORKSPACE" -name jmeter*.jtl -exec mv {} "$JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_NUMBER/jmeter.jtl" \;

Use datageneration script:

./datagenerator_py3.py --jenkins-base-dir /var/jenkins/ --project-name PROJECT_NAME


curl --data "results_dir=$JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_NUMBER/" http://localhost:8888/controller/parse_results

To use with HTML Pulblisher plugin (https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/HTML+Publisher+Plugin) set this values in project setting in Publish HTML reports section:

HTML directory to archive: `$JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_NUMBER/`
Index page[s]: `https://URL/?action=getbuilddata&project_name=$JOB_NAME&build_number=$BUILD_NUMBER`
Keep past HTML reports: `enabled`