SpreeContactUs ========= Requirements: 1) recaptcha (optional) 2) rails >= 3.1.0 Installation ======= Add-to Gemfile following lines: gem 'spree_contact_us', :git => 'git://github.com/greendog/spree_contact_us.git' gem "recaptcha", :require => "recaptcha/rails" # if you are using reCAPTCHA Run: bundle install Run: bundle exec rails g spree_contact_us:install Run: bundle exec rake db:migrate * Set mail method in admin area (/admin/mail_methods). Otherwise will not work! Upgrading ======= Run: bundle exec rails g spree_contact_us:install Run: bundle exec rake db:migrate Contact forms get spammed a lot ======= Includes support for reCAPTCHA http://www.google.com/recaptcha which can be configured in the admin under Configuration -> Inquiries. A "Honeypot" CAPTCHA is also available. This is a fairly effective method and requires zero effort on the part of the user. An empty form field is included in the form - if it has anything in it, a stupid bot has probably filled it out. It does assume that everyone is using a CSS-capable, visual user agent that will hide the field using display:none Extra Browser/Client info ========================= For helping with reports of site issues, the controller also gathers the UA string and remote IP. Viewport size is also recorded when the form is submitted via JS - if you want this, make sure //= require store/spree_contact_us is in your JS manifest file (usually /app/assets/javascripts/store/all.js) TESTING ======= $ bundle exec rake common:test_app $ bundle exec rake spec ~Enjoy~ Pull requests welcome. Please make sure changes are tested and tests pass.