
A Twitter clone built with Ruby, Sinatra and PostgreSQL. Test Driven Development with RSpec and Capybara. I have used Bootstrap and CSS for styling.

Primary LanguageHTML

Chitter Challenge

Building a small Twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream.

Tools and technologies used:

  • Ruby / Sinatra
  • PostgreSQL
  • RSpec / Capybara
  • HTML / CSS
  • Bootstrap

Aiming for:

  • Complete TDD process ✔
  • 100% test coverage ✔
  • User interface which resembles original Twitter ✔

Description Image
Main Page signin
User can sign in signin
User can sign up signin
Users can set their passwords signin
User can add chits on the board signin
Creating a chit signin
User's chits appear on the board signin
User's chits can be commented by their author and other users signin
Comments appear in the comment section of each chit signin
User can view, edit and delete his own chits and comments on 'My Chits' section signin
Editing a chit signin