
Ease spring OAuth2 resource-servers configuration and testing

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

You can now test your OAuth2 / OpenID knowledge with a dedicated quiz available at https://quiz.c4-soft.com/ui/quizzes before you rush into configuring your applications.

Please follow the migration guide to move from 6.x to 7.x.

All samples and tutorials sources are migrated to latest starter and test annotations, but some READMEs might still need a refresh. Please make sure you refer to source code for up-to-date configuration.

Ease OpenID Configuration & Tests in Spring Boot 3

The libraries hosted in this repo shine in two domains:

  • providing with annotations to mock OAuth2 Authentication for JUnit @Test and @ParameterizedTest:
    • @WithMockAuthentication with @AuthenticationSource and @ParameterizedAuthentication
    • @WithJwt which uses the JWT authentication converter defined in security configuration to build the right type of Authentication (with the right authorities and name) based on a JSON file on he classpath (or plain Java String
    • @WithOpaqueToken same as @WithJwt for introspection, using the OpaqueTokenAuthenticationConverter in the security configuration
    • more specialized annotations for specific authentication implementations (@WithOAuth2Login, @WithOidcLogin, etc.) or to use as elements for your own test annotations in applications using custom OAuth2 Authentication implementations
  • pushing OIDC auto-configuration to the next level in Spring Boot 3 applications. As shown in Tutorials, with 0 Java conf (just properties), we can configure:
    • authorities mapping (source claims, prefix and case transformation), without having to provide authentication converter, user service or GrantedAuthoritiesMapper in each app
    • fine-grained CORS configuration (per path matcher), which enables to override allowed origins as environment variable when switching from localhost to dev or prod environments
    • sessions & CSRF disabled by default on resource server and enabled on clients. If a cookie repo is chosen for CSRF (as required by Angular, React, Vue, etc.), then the right request handler is configured and a filter to actually set the cookie is added
    • basic access control: permitAll for a list of path matchers and authenticated as default (to be fine-tuned with method security or a configuration post-processor bean)
    • for clients only:
      • logout success handler for OPs not strictly following the standard (exotic parameter names or missing end_session_endpoint in OpenID configuration). Auth0 and Amazon Cognito are samples of such OPs.
      • client host and port explicitly provided in login configuration to avoid redirection issues when the client does not use 8080 (or 8443 if SSL is enabled)
      • add custom params to authorization-code request (like the audience required by Auth0). These parameters are defined in application properties for each client registration.
      • multi-tenancy: allow users to be logged in with more than one OpenID Provider and keep track of their different Authentication instances (one per OP, with most probably different subject and username).

Jump to:

Neither the owner of this repo nor any of the contributors are part of Spring Security team. At best, some are occasional contributors to the "official" framework.

However, unless you have a deep knowledge of Spring Security for OAuth2, using spring-addons-starter-oidc might actually be safer than experimenting with the conf by yourself. And the more popularity this repo gets, the safer it is: more people detect potential issues, more people can keep it alive if its initiator disappears and, if some features where to become popular enough, Spring team could consider pulling it in the official framework.

Also, all you have to do to opt-out spring-addons-starter-oidc at any point in time is writing Spring Security Configuration by yourself. Refer to tutorials if you need some guidance to do that, the following are written without spring-addons-starter-oidc (just spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client or spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server):

What are the identified risks of using the resources from such a repo and how can you protect against it?

  • what if the updates to latest dependencies stop and no PR are merged anymore? You can fork this repo and start a new branch from the last tag you like
  • what if the library takes a direction I don't like? Same as for a stale repo
  • what if the owner deletes this repo or makes it private? The source code for each release is published to maven-central. You can get the source there or from any of the forks on GitHub (about 50 in August 2023).
  • what is the risk of vulnerabilities introduced by the code in these libs? This depends on the lib:
    • libs to be used during tests (spring-addons-oauth2-test and spring-addons-starter-oidc-test) should be imported with test scope => it should not be present at runtime => no risk in production
    • spring-addons-starter-oidc does some auto-configuration for you: it defines Spring beans involved in your application security. So yes, if a default is miss-configured in this lib, it can have an impact on your app. You should however consider that:
      • an increasing number of user inspect it and open issues or PRs when detecting a problem (the community is probably much bigger than your team working at detecting Spring Security configuration issues in your own projects)
      • having code centralised at one place and reused at many places reduces the risk of a careless mistake in one of your app

This starter is designed to push auto-configuration to the next level and does nothing more than helping you to configure Spring Security beans using application properties.

spring-addons-oidc-starter does not replace spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server and spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client, it uses application properties to configure a few beans designed to be picked by Spring Boot official "starters". The aim is to reduce Java code and ease application deployment across environments. In most cases, you should need 0 Java conf. An effort was made to make tutorials, Javadoc as informative as possible. Please refer there for more details.

If you are curious enough, you might inspect what is auto-configured (and under which conditions) by reading the source code, starting from the org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports file, which is the Spring Boot standard entry-point defining what is loaded when a jar is on the classpath.

You can refer to module, dependency, class and other diagrams for a general overview of the repository.

1.1. Usage

If you are not absolutely sure why you need an OAuth2 client (with oauth2Login in Spring, but secured with sessions, not access tokens) or an OAuth2 resource server configuration (secured with access tokens, not sessions, but without oauth2Login), please read the OAuth2 essentials section of the tutorials. This might save you a lot of time and effort.

Add com.c4-soft.springaddons:spring-addons-starter-oidc to your dependencies, in addition to org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client or org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server.

If configuring an OAuth2 client (with oauth2Login), define the standard Spring Boot provider and registration properties for OAuth2 clients.

If configuring an OAuth2 resource server with access token introspection, define the standard Spring Boot opaquetoken properties.

Then, define the relevant com.c4-soft.springaddons.oidc properties for your use case. There are many complete samples and tutorials you should refer to, but here are a few demos for different use-cases and OpenID Providers:

1.1.1. Resource Server with JWT decoder

For a REST API secured with JWT access tokens, you need:

	<!-- For a reactive application, use spring-boot-starter-webflux instead -->



        - iss: https://oidc.c4-soft.com/auth/realms/master
          username-claim: preferred_username
          - path: $.realm_access.roles
          - path: $.resource_access.*.roles
          - "/greet/public"
          - path: /**
            allowed-origin-patterns: http://localhost:4200

Above configuration will create an application without sessions nor CSRF protection, and 401 will be answered to unauthorized requests to protected resources.

1.1.2. Client

For an app serving Thymeleaf templates with login and logout:

	<!-- For a reactive application, use spring-boot-starter-webflux instead -->



cognito-issuer: https://cognito-idp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/us-west-2_RzhmgLwjl
cognito-client-id: change-me
cognito-secret: change-me

            issuer-uri: ${cognito-issuer}
            authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
            client-id: ${cognito-client-id}
            client-secret: ${cognito-secret}
            provider: cognito
            scope: openid,profile,email,offline_access
        - iss: ${cognito-issuer}
          username-claim: username
          - path: cognito:groups
          - /**
          - /login/**
          - /oauth2/**
          - /
          # Auth0 and Cognito do not follow strictly the OpenID RP-Initiated Logout spec and need specific configuration
              uri: https://spring-addons.auth.us-west-2.amazoncognito.com/logout
              client-id-request-param: client_id
              post-logout-uri-request-param: logout_uri

Above configuration will create an application secured with sessions (not access tokens), with CSRF protection enabled, and unauthorized requests to protected resources will be redirected to login.

1.1.3. Client and Resource Server

For an app exposing publicly both

  • Thymeleaf templates secured with session (with login and logout), all templates being served with /ui prefix (but index which is at /)
  • a REST API secured with access token
	<!-- In a reactive application, use only spring-boot-starter-webflux -->
	<!-- Used for WebClient to call the REST API from controllers serving Thymeleaf templates -->



auth0-issuer: https://oidc.c4-soft.com/auth/realms/master
auth0-client-id: change-me
auth0-secret: change-me

            issuer-uri: ${auth0-issuer}
            authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
            client-id: ${auth0-client-id}
            client-secret: ${auth0-secret}
            provider: auth0
            scope: openid,profile,email,offline_access
        - iss: ${auth0-issuer}
          username-claim: $['https://c4-soft.com/user']['name']
          - path: $['https://c4-soft.com/user']['roles']
          - path: $.permissions
          - /login/**
          - /oauth2/**
          - /logout
          - /
          - /ui/**
          - /login/**
          - /oauth2/**
          - /
          # Auth0 and Cognito do not follow strictly the OpenID RP-Initiated Logout spec and need specific configuration
              uri: ${auth0-issuer}v2/logout
              client-id-request-param: client_id
              post-logout-uri-request-param: returnTo
          # Auth0 requires an "audience" parameter in authorization-code request to deliver JWTs
            - name: audience
              value: demo.c4-soft.com
          - "/greet/public"

With the above configuration, two distinct security filter-chains will be defined:

  • a client one with sessions (and CSRF protection enabled), intercepting all requests to UI templates as well as those involved in login and logout, and redirecting to login unauthorized requests to protected templates.
  • a resource server one acting as default (with lowest precedence to process all requests that were not matched with client filter-chain securityMatchers), without sessions (requests are secured with JWT access tokens) nor CSRF protections, and returning 401 to unauthorized requests to protected resources.

1.2. Customizing Auto-Configuration

First use your IDE auto-completion to check if there isn't an existing application property covering your needs: a lot is configurable from properties, and all properties are documented.

You can override about any @Bean defined by spring-addons (almost all are @ConditionalOnMissingBean). Here are a few handy ones:

  • (Reactive)JwtAbstractAuthenticationTokenConverter: take control on the Authentication instance built after a JWT was successfully decoded and validated
  • (Reactive)OpaqueTokenAuthenticationConverter: take control on the Authentication instance built after an access token was successfully introspected
  • ClaimSetAuthoritiesConverter: opt-out the ConfigurableClaimSetAuthoritiesConverter, responsible for authorities mapping
  • GrantedAuthoritiesMapper: in OAuth2 clients, opt-out the default GrantedAuthoritiesMapper (which delegates authorities mapping to the ConfigurableClaimSetAuthoritiesConverter just above)
  • (Reactive)AuthenticationManagerResolver: opt-out the authentication manager implementing static multi-tenancy for resource servers with JWT decoders
  • ResourceServerAuthorizeExchangeSpecPostProcessor, ClientAuthorizeExchangeSpecPostProcessor, ClientAuthorizeExchangeSpecPostProcessor or ResourceServerAuthorizeExchangeSpecPostProcessor: fine-grained access control from configuration (an alternative is using @Enable(Reactive)MethodSecurity and @PreAuthorize on controller methods)
  • ResourceServerHttpSecurityPostProcessor or ClientHttpSecurityPostProcessor: post-process spring-addons auto-configured SecurityFilterChains (this enables to change absolutely anything from it).

1.3. Disabling spring-addons-oidc-starter

The easiest way is to exclude it from the classpath, but you may also turn the auto-configuration off by:

  • setting com.c4-soft.springaddons.oidc.resourceserver.enabled to false (this disables the resource server SecurityFilterChain bean instantiation, as well as all of its default dependencies)
  • leaving com.c4-soft.springaddons.oidc.client.securityMatcher empty (this disables the client SecurityFilterChain bean instantiation, as well as all of its default dependencies)

Testing method security (@PreAuthorize, @PostFilter, etc.) requires to configure the security context. Spring-security-test provides with MockMvc request post-processors and WebTestClient mutators to do so, but this requires the context of a request, which limits its usage to testing secured controllers.

To test method security on any type of @Component (@Controller, off course, but also @Service and @Repository) there are only two options: build tests security context by yourself and populate it with stubbed / mocked authentications, or use annotations to do it for you. This lib contains annotations to configure test security context with OAuth2 authentication at your hand.

An article covering the usage of OAuth2 test annotations from this lib was published on Baeldung. This, along with all samples and tutorials source-code (which contain a lot of unit and integration testing), should be enough to get you started.

However, since this article was published, test annotations have improved.

2.1. Sample

Let's consider the following secured @Service

public class SecuredService {
    String nice() {
        return "Dear %s, glad to see you!".formatted(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName());
    String hello() {
        return "Hello %s.".formatted(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName());

Now, let's assume that you have a staging environment with a few representative users ("personas" if you are familiar with UX), for which you can get sample access tokens, and dump the claims in JSON files in test resources in (by decoding JWTs with a tool like https://jwt.io or introspecting opaque tokens). In the following, we'll consider you have a user named brice with NICE authority and another one named igor without the NICE authority. We'll also consider you have dumped sample claim-sets in brice.json and igor.json.

2.1.1. Using @WithMockAuthentication

When testing RBAC (role-based access control), defining just authorities is frequently enough. Sometimes, defining the Authentication#name is necessary and in a few cases, application code needs a specific Authentication implementation. @WithMockAuthentication was designed to meet these requirements:

@SpringBootTest(classes = { SecurityConfig.class, MessageService.class })
class MessageServiceTests {

	private SecuredService securedService;
	void givenUserIsNotGrantedWithNice_whenCallNice_thenThrows() {
		assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> securedService.nice());

	@WithMockAuthentication(name = "brice", authorities = "NICE")
	void givenUserIsNice_whenCallNice_thenReturnsGreeting() {
		assertThat(securedService.nice()).isEqualTo("Dear brice, glad to see you!");

	    @WithMockAuthentication(name = "brice", authorities = "NICE"),
	    @WithMockAuthentication(name = "ch4mp", authorities = { "VERY_NICE", "AUTHOR" }))
	void givenUserIsAuthenticated_whenCallHello_thenReturnsGreeting(@ParameterizedAuthentication Authentication auth) {
		assertThat(securedService.hello()).isEqualTo("Hello %s.".formatted(auth.getName()));

2.1.1. Using @WithJwt or @WithOpaqueToken with JSON claim-sets

@WithJwt and @WithOpaqueToken enable to load those claim-sets and turn it into Authentication instances.

For the Authentication to be built as at runtime (type, authorities, name, claims, etc.), @WithJwt uses your Converter<Jwt, ? extends AbstractAuthenticationToken> and @WithOpaqueToken the OpaqueTokenAuthenticationConverter (or the reactive counterparts in reactive apps).

For the wiring to happen correctly, you need to import AuthenticationFactoriesTestConf (it is already imported when using one of @AddonsWebmvcComponentTest, AutoConfigureAddonsWebmvcClientSecurity, AutoConfigureAddonsWebmvcResourceServerSecurity or their reactive counterparts).

@Import(AuthenticationFactoriesTestConf.class) // when using spring-addons-oauth2-test but not spring-addons-starter-oidc
// @AddonsWebmvcComponentTest // when using spring-addons-starter-oidc along with spring-addons-starter-oidc-test (already imports AuthenticationFactoriesTestConf for you)
@SpringBootTest(classes = { SecurityConfig.class, MessageService.class })
class MessageServiceTests {

	private SecuredService securedService;

	WithJwt.AuthenticationFactory authFactory;
	void givenUserIsIgor_whenCallNice_thenThrows() {
		assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> securedService.nice());

	void givenUserIsBrice_whenCallNice_thenReturnsGreeting() {
		assertThat(securedService.nice()).isEqualTo("Dear brice, glad to see you!");

	void givenUserIsAuthenticated_whenCallHello_thenReturnsGreeting(@ParameterizedAuthentication Authentication auth) {
		assertThat(securedService.hello()).isEqualTo("Hello %s.".formatted(auth.getName()));

	Stream<AbstractAuthenticationToken> identities() {
		return authFactory.authenticationsFrom("brice.json", "igor.json");

There are we few things worth noting above:

  • we are testing a @Service having methods decorated with @PreAuthorize, without MockMvc or WebTestClient (and their request post-processors or mutators)
  • authorities and username will be coherent with claims during tests (it is not necessarily the case when we declare the 3 separately as done with MockMvc request post-processors and WebTestClient mutators). WithJwt.AuthenticationFactory uses the JWT authorities converter found in security configuration. As a consequence, username and authorities are resolved from claims, just as it is at runtime.
  • the claims are loaded from a JSON files in the test classpath
  • we are using JUnit 5 @ParameterizedTest: the test will run once for each of the authentication in the stream provided by the identities method
  • annotations fit so well with BDD (given-when-then): the test pre-conditions (given) are decorating the test instead of cluttering its content like MockMvc request post-processors and WebTestClient mutators do
  • annotations can be very brief and expressive

2.2. Which Dependency / Annotation to Use

spring-addons-oauth2-test is enough to use test annotations, but if you opted for spring-addons-starter-oidc, then spring-addons-starter-oidc-test is better suited as it comes with tooling to load spring-addons auto-configuration during tests (refer to the many samples for usage).

@WithMockAuthentication should be enough to test applications with RBAC (role-based access control): it allows to easily define name and authorities, as well as the Authentication a principal types to mock if your application code expects something specific.

In case your access-control uses more than just name and authorities, you'll probably need to define claim-set details. In this case, @WithJwt and @WithOpaqueToken can come pretty handy as it uses respectively the JWT or OpaqueToken authentication converter in your security configuration to build the authentication instance, using a JSON payload from the classpath (or a plain Java String): you might just dump payloads of access tokens for representative users in test resources (use a tool like https://jwt.io to easily get those payloads). These starters are designed to push auto-configuration one step further. In most cases, you should need 0 Java conf. An effort was made to make tutorials, Javadoc and modules READMEs as informative as possible. Please refer there for more details. Additionally refer to module, dependency, class and other diagrams for a general overview of the repository.

Tutorials which cover:

  • just enough OAuth2 theory
  • dev environment configuration (SSL certificate, Keycloak)
  • various resource-servers security configuration scenarios
  • security rules unit-testing

Samples cover:

  • @Controller, @Service and @Repository unit testing
  • integration testing (@SpringBootTest) with mocked authentication
  • all combinations with choices from the following 3 points:
    • webmvc / webflux
    • JWT decoder / access token introspection
    • OAuthentication<OpenidClaimSet> / Spring default Authentication implementation (JwtAuthenticationToken for JWT decoder or BearerTokenAuthentication for token introspection)

6.x and 7.X branch are designed for spring-boot 3 and requires JDK 17 as minimum.

I could forget to update README before releasing, so please refer to maven central to pick latest available release


        <!-- to pull addons stater with its companion for unit-tests -->

        <!-- If you don't want to use the starter but need test annotations -->


2.0 comes with a noticeable amount of breaking changes. So lets start tracking features.

  • 7.x Branch contains a single starter for all scenarios (reactive / servlet, client / resource server, JWT decoder / introspection). Compatible with Spring 6.1.x (Boot 3.1.x) and as so requires JDK 17 or above.
  • 6.x Branch contains 6 different starters spring-addons-{webmvc|webflux}-{jwt-resource-server|introspecting-resource-server|client}. Compatible with Spring 6.1.x (Boot 3.1.x) and as so requires JDK 17 or above.
  • 5.x Branch is compatible with Spring 5, Boot 2, Keycloak adapters for Spring and JDKs down to 1.8 but is not maintained anymore.


  • Spring boot 3.2.0 as transient dependency


  • gh-155 Configurable HTTP status for responses to authorization_code flow initiation, authorization-code callback and logout. This makes BFF configuration easier for single page and mobile applications. Default OAuth2 response status (302 Found) can be overriden with:
            pre-authorization-code: FOUND
            post-authorization-code: FOUND
            rp-initiated-logout: ACCEPTED

A per-request override can be done by setting X-RESPONSE-STATUS header with either a status code or label (for instance, both 201 and ACCEPTED are accepted as value).



  • gh-153 have the default opaque tokens introspector accept Integer, Long, Instant and Date as value type for iat and exp claims


  • Spring boot 3.1.5 as transient dependency
  • gh-151 scan application context for authenticationEntryPoint and accessDeniedHandler to auto-configure resource servers (default returns 401 for unauthorized requests instead of 302 redirect to login).


  • Spring boot 3.1.4 as transient dependency
  • gh-147 prevent addons test security conf to be auto-configured (complicates integration testing with test containers)


  • Fix servlet resource server with introspection auto-configuration


  • Enable to configure post-login and post-logout host (defaulted to client URI for backward compatibility)


  • Spring Boot 3.1.3


  • gh-144 remove useless dependency on spring-session.


  • Remove Back-Channel Logout experimental support. Follow the PR on Spring Security for official support.
  • Multi-tenancy support on OAuth2 clients is now optional and disabled by default. Set com.c4-soft.springaddons.oidc.client.multi-tenancy-enabled=true to keep it activated.
  • gh-140: use AOP instead of custom authorized-client repositories to support multi-tenancy on OAuth2 clients. That way, any configured authorized-client repository is instrumented (no need to proxy or extend spring-addons one).


  • client SecurityFilterChain with LOWEST_PRIORITY - 1 (instead of HIGHEST_PRIORITY + 1)
  • WWW_Authenticate header with Bearer value for resource servers unauthorized requests (instead of Basic)



  • Fix a confusion between user subject and principal name in SpringAddons(Server)OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository which could cause an authorized client not to be found when using another claim than subject as principal name.


  • Fix the condition to add a filter inserting CSRF protection cookie to responses


See the migration guide

  • merge all 6 starters into a single one
  • reduce test libs count to 2: one with just annotations and another to ease testing of apps using the starter


  • Spring Boot 3.1.3



  • Spring Boot 3.1.2
  • Fix a confusion between user subject and principal name in SpringAddons(Server)OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository which could cause an authorized client not to be found when using another claim than subject as principal name.


  • remove OAuth2AuthenticationFactory: instead, use Converter<Jwt, ? extends AbstractAuthenticationToken>, Converter<Jwt, ? extends Mono<? extends AbstractAuthenticationToken>>, OpaqueTokenAuthenticationConverter or ReactiveOpaqueTokenAuthenticationConverter
  • create @WithJwt to build OAuth2 Authentication during tests, using a JSON string or file on the classpath and submitting it to the JWT authentication converter. All samples and tutorials are updated with this new annotation.
  • deprecate @WithMockJwt and @OpenId (use the new @WithJwt instead)
  • remove the archetypes


  • gh-133 Add a property to auto-configure an audience JWT validator (if present, the aud claim in the token will be checked to contain the URI provided in the conf)


  • gh-129 Auto-configure (with application properties) additional parameters for authorization-code request. This allows, for instance, to send an audience as required by Auth0. Additional parameters are defined for each client registration. In the following sample, client-registration a and b references an existing entries in spring.security.oauth2.client.registration:
            - name: audience
              value: demo.c4-soft.com
            - name: kc_idp_hint
              value: google
            - name: machin
              value: chose


  • gh-128 add @ClasspathClaims to load claims from a JSON file in the classpath (test resources for instance).
  claims = @OpenIdClaims(
    usernameClaim = "$['https://c4-soft.com/user']['name']",
    jsonFile = @ClasspathClaims("ch4mp.json")))
void givenUserIsAuthenticatedWithJsonClaims_whenGetClaims_thenOk() throws Exception {
  api.get("/greet").andExpect(status().isOk()).andExpect(content().string("Hello Ch4mp! You are granted with [ROLE_AUTHORIZED_PERSONNEL]."));
  • gh-127 add a json property to @OpenIdClaims to define all claims with a JSON string
authorities = { "ROLE_AUTHORIZED_PERSONNEL" },
claims = @OpenIdClaims(
  usernameClaim = "$['https://c4-soft.com/user']['name']",
  json = """
  "https://c4-soft.com/user": {
    "name": "Ch4mp",
    "email": "ch4mp@c4-soft.com"
  "aud": "https://localhost:7082"


  • gh-125 Split claims used as GrantedAuthority source on comma and space (for instance, scope claim is usually a single string with comma separated scopes).


  • gh-122 Support for parametrized OAuth2 Authentications in @ParameterizedTest. In the following sample, mind the @JwtAuthenticationSource (decoring test) and @ParameterizedJwtAuth (decoring test method parameter). The first annotation defines the different authentication instances, the second inserts the one for the current test in the security context and provides it as test method parameter:
@JwtAuthenticationSource({ @WithMockJwtAuth("NICE"), @WithMockJwtAuth("VERY_NICE") })
void givenUserIsGrantedWithAnyNiceAuthority_whenGetRestricted_thenOk(@ParameterizedJwtAuth JwtAuthenticationToken auth) throws Exception {
			.andExpect(jsonPath("$.body").value("You are so nice!"));

The above will run two distinct tests in sequence, one with each of the provided @WithMockJwtAuth. Same for:

  • @WithMockBearerTokenAuthentication with @BearerAuthenticationSource and @ParameterizedBearerAuth
  • @OpenId with @OpenIdAuthenticationSource and @ParameterizedOpenId
  • @WithOAuth2Login with @OAuth2LoginAuthenticationSource and @ParameterizedOAuth2Login
  • @WithOidcLogin with @OidcLoginAuthenticationSource and @ParameterizedOidcLogin


  • Spring Boot 3.1.0


  • Spring Boot 3.0.7


  • gh-112 fix CSRF token exposed to Javascript in servlets applications. Thanks to @giovannicandido for spotting and fixing this.


  • Spring Boot 3.0.6


  • create ServletConfigurationSupport and ReactiveConfigurationSupport in spring-addons-{webmvc|webflux}-core to remove code duplication from starters


  • add new helpers to type private claims in test annotations for Double, URIs, URLs and Date
  • add 1 level of nested claims to @Claims, the test annotation to define private claims in OAuth2 test annotations. It is not possible to describe recursive structures with annotation (annotation with a node of the same type as itself), which is an issue to describe a JSON document. To configure further nested claims, it is still possible to use @JsonObjectClaim with serialized JSON strings. Sample usage with all possible types of claims (hopefully, it will never be necessary to configure as many claims in a single test):
@WithMockJwtAuth(authorities = "ROLE_AUTHORIZED_PERSONNEL", claims = @OpenIdClaims(sub = "Ch4mpy", otherClaims = @Claims(
        intClaims = { @IntClaim(name = "int1", value = 42), @IntClaim(name = "int2", value = 51) },
        longClaims = { @LongClaim(name = "long1", value = 42), @LongClaim(name = "long2", value = 51) },
        doubleClaims = { @DoubleClaim(name = "double1", value = 4.2), @DoubleClaim(name = "double2", value = 5.1) },
        stringClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "str1", value = "String 1"), @StringClaim(name = "str2", value = "String 2") },
        uriClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "uri1", value = "https://localhost:8080/greet"), @StringClaim(name = "uri2", value = "https://localhost:4200/home#greet") },
        urlClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "url1", value = "https://localhost:8080/greet"), @StringClaim(name = "url2", value = "https://localhost:4200/home") },
        epochSecondClaims = { @IntClaim(name = "epoch1", value = 1670978400), @IntClaim(name = "epoch2", value = 1680648172)},
        dateClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "date1", value = "2022-12-14T00:40:00.000+00:00"), @StringClaim(name = "date1", value = "2023-04-04T00:42:00.000+00:00") },
        stringArrayClaims = { @StringArrayClaim(name = "strArr1", value = { "a", "b", "c" }), @StringArrayClaim(name = "strArr2", value = { "D", "E", "F" }) },
        jsonObjectClaims = { @JsonObjectClaim(name = "obj1", value = obj1), @JsonObjectClaim(name = "obj2", value = obj2)},
        jsonObjectArrayClaims = @JsonObjectArrayClaim(name = "objArr1", value = { obj3, obj4}),
        nestedClaims = { @NestedClaims(
                name = "https://c4-soft.com/user",
                intClaims = { @IntClaim(name = "nested_int1", value = 42), @IntClaim(name = "nested_int2", value = 51) },
                longClaims = { @LongClaim(name = "nested_long1", value = 42), @LongClaim(name = "nested_long2", value = 51) },
                doubleClaims = { @DoubleClaim(name = "nested_double1", value = 4.2), @DoubleClaim(name = "nested_double2", value = 5.1) },
                stringClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "nested_str1", value = "String 1"), @StringClaim(name = "nested_str2", value = "String 2") },
                uriClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "nested_uri1", value = "https://localhost:8080/greet"), @StringClaim(name = "nested_uri2", value = "https://localhost:4200/home#greet") },
                urlClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "nested_url1", value = "https://localhost:8080/greet"), @StringClaim(name = "nested_url2", value = "https://localhost:4200/home") },
                epochSecondClaims = { @IntClaim(name = "nested_epoch1", value = 1670978400), @IntClaim(name = "nested_epoch2", value = 1680648172)},
                dateClaims = { @StringClaim(name = "nested_date1", value = "2022-12-14T00:40:00.000+00:00"), @StringClaim(name = "nested_date1", value = "2023-04-04T00:42:00.000+00:00") },
                stringArrayClaims = { @StringArrayClaim(name = "nested_strArr1", value = { "a", "b", "c" }), @StringArrayClaim(name = "nested_strArr2", value = { "D", "E", "F" }) },
                jsonObjectClaims = { @JsonObjectClaim(name = "nested_obj1", value = obj1), @JsonObjectClaim(name = "nested_obj2", value = obj2)},
                jsonObjectArrayClaims = @JsonObjectArrayClaim(name = "nested_objArr1", value = { obj3, obj4}))})))


  • gh-106: Properties to disable spring-addons security filter-chain auto-configuration:
    • for clients: empty path-matchers array or com.c4-soft.springaddons.security.client.enabled=false
    • for resource servers: com.c4-soft.springaddons.security.enabled=false



  • boot 3.0.4
  • add a BFF tutorial



  • breaking change in properties: authorities mapping is now configured per claim JSON path (instead of per issuer). This enables to use different prefix (and case) for different claims (for instance SCOPE_ for scope claim and ROLE_ for realm_access.roles one). As a consequence, com.c4-soft.springaddons.security.issuers[].authorities.claims[] is replaced with com.c4-soft.springaddons.security.issuers[].authorities[].path.Also, prefix as well as case are put at the same level as (JSON) path.

Sample migration with YAML:

        - location: ${keycloak-issuer}
          username-claim: preferred_username
            prefix: ROLE_
            - realm_access.roles
            - resource_access.client1.roles


        - location: ${keycloak-issuer}
          username-claim: $.preferred_username
          - path: $.realm_access.roles
            prefix: ROLE_
          - path: $.resource_access.client1.roles
            prefix: ROLE_
  • "pseudo" JSON path for username and authorities claims is now actual JSON path. This means that $.resource_access.*.roles will be successfully accepted. Thanks to JSON path syntax, this is not a breaking change ($.resource_access.client1.roles and resource_access.client1.roles are interpreted the same)
  • bump to Spring Boot 3.0.3


  • Add a username-clame configuration property to define, per issuer, from which claim of the access token should be retrieved the username (what is returned by Authentication::getName). Default is subject for backward compatibility


  • gh-100 prevent a NPE in reactive resource-server using JWT spring-addons starter when the issuer in an access token is not listed in conf. All credits go to lArtiquel who spotted the bug and submitted the fix.


  • create ServerHttpRequestSupport and HttpServletRequestSupport to help statically access to the request in current context (usage in authentication converters for instance


  • add @WithOAuth2Login and @WithOidcLogin to populate test security-context with an OAuth2AuthenticationToken instance (with respectively DefaultOAuth2User and DefaultOidcUser as principal)
  • bump to spring-boot 3.0.2
  • default authorities collection in tests annotations, MockMvc post-processors and WebTestClient mutators is set to empty array (instead of { "ROLE_USER" })


  • gh-86 OAuthentication::setDetails should not throw until spring-security 6.1 is released
  • gh-87 spring-addons JWT starters should start even if spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.issuer-uri is set in configuration properties


  • gh-83 do not force traffic to http when SSL is not enabled (just force https when SSL is enabled)


  • Make OAuthentication immutable


  • release with spring-boot 3.0.0 GA as transitive dependency


  • samples for all combinations of:
    • webmvc / webflux
    • JWT decoder / access token introspection
    • OAuthentication<OpenidClaimSet> / Spring default Authentication implementation (JwtAuthenticationToken for JWT decoder or BearerTokenAuthentication for token introspection)
  • minor fixes (@WithMockAuthentication and reactive + introspection starter)


This branch is not maintained anymore. Only versions compatible with Spring 6.1.x (Boot 3.1.x) and JDK >= 17 are maintained.


  • gh-100 prevent a NPE in reactive resource-server using JWT spring-addons starter when the issuer in an access token is not listed in conf. All credits go to lArtiquel who spotted the bug and submitted the fix.


  • Use a single bean name for
    • ServletSecurityBeans and ReactiveSecurityBeans: AddonsSecurityBeans
    • @AutoConfigureAddonsSecurity{Webmvc|Weblux}{Jwt|Introspecting}: @AutoConfigureAddonsSecurity
  • Add @AutoConfigureAddonsWebSecurity to do the same as existing @AutoConfigureAddonsSecurity which now loads authorities converter only (useful to unit-test @Components that are not @Controller).
  • More options for CSRF configuration (enum property instead of a boolean) and CSRF disabled by default when session-management is state-less.
  • Compatibility with JDK 1.8 and spring-boot 2.6 (get version 6.x for spring-boot 3 and JDK 17)
  • webflux dependencies cleanup (were pulling some servlet dependencies)
  • All samples now demo @Service and @Repository unit-tests in addition to @Controller ones.


Use JwtAuthenticationToken or BearerAuthenticationToken by default in resource-server starters. For some reason, OAuthentication<OpenidClaimSet> frightens rookies.

  • make OAuth2AuthenticationFactory @Bean optional.
  • remove OAuth2ClaimsConverter (interface definition and @ConditionalOnMissingBean)
  • remove the recently added oauth2-authentication-factory-enabled property (instead, evaluate if an OAuth2AuthenticationFactory bean was provided)


  • resource-server starter main beans (Security(Web)FilterChain) are no-longer "conditional on missing": if you dan't want it, don't pull starter lib.
  • add oauth2-authentication-factory-enabled flag to easily fall-back to Spring default OAuth2 Authentication implementations (JwtAuthenticationToken and BearerTokenAuthentication for resource-servers with respectively JWT decoder or opaque token introspection)


  • keycloak 19
  • release with JDK 17 and boot 2.7.2
  • release with JDK 1.8 and boot 2.6.10


  • Support token introspection for resource-servers.
  • Rename spring-addons-*-jwt-resource-server-test to spring-addons-*-test as it apply for both JWT and introspection


Rename modules to:

  • have all module names start with spring-addons prefix, then intermediate module if any (archetypes, samples, starters, webmvc or webflux) and last what leaf module aims at
  • better reflect what it does

For instance, spring-security-oauth2-webmvc-addons only applies to resource-servers secured with JWTs (not to opaque tokens) -> renamed to spring-addons-webmvc-jwt-resource-server

Rename com.c4-soft.springaddons.security.token-issuers configuration properties to com.c4-soft.springaddons.security.issuers for the same reason: only accepts JWT token issuers (and not opaque token issuers with introspection end-point for instance)


CSRF enabled by default, using CookieCsrfTokenRepository if session management is "stateless".


gh-53 GenericMethodSecurityExpressionHandler should accept expression root suppliers for many authentication type


add reCAPTCHA validation spring-boot starter


rename @WithMockOidcAuth to shorter and more expressive @OpenId: it populates test security context with an OAuth2 Àuthentication containing an OpenID claim-set


  • rename OpenidClaimSet to OpenidClaimSet: more expressive as this class contains OpenID token claims only
  • rename OAuthentication to OAuthentication: it has no more adherence to OpenID (just specific to authentication with encoded claims in a bearer string)


Slight properties rework. Now, to configure issuers and authorities mapping:

# should be set to where your authorization-server is

# should be configured with a list of private-claims this authorization-server puts user roles into
# below is default Keycloak conf for a `spring-addons` client with client roles mapper enabled

# use IDE auto-completion or see SpringAddonsSecurityProperties javadoc for complete configuration properties list

where caze is one of unchanged, upper or lower


  • gh-50: One entry per authorization-server for authorities mapping (see samples application.properties files for new configuration structure).
  • gh-51: Group archetypes, webmvc and webflux modules.


  • gh-49: Samples in dedicated modules. All samples are moved from libs tests to samples module, with one sub-module per sample.


Cleanup and prepare for spring-boot 3:

  • gh-46: split webmvc & webflux content from spring-addons-oauth2
  • gh-47: provide SecurityFilterChain bean instead of extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
  • gh-48: make use of spring-boot @AutoConfiguration


  • Replace multiple JWT issuers JwtDecoder (from 4.1.4) with AuthenticationManagerResolver @Beans


  • JwtDecoder for configuring multiple JWT issuers (single resource server accepting IDs from two or more authorization-servers)


  • finer configuration control with SpringAddonsSecurityProperties


  • move keycloak related code to spring-addons-keycloak


  • Master branch back to single JDK: 17
  • Create jdk1.8 and jdk11 branches



  • Add a sample with OpenidClaimSet specialisation (parse private claims in addition to authorities).


  • Improve OidcReactiveApiSecurityConfig and OidcServletApiSecurityConfig usability: ease security beans replacement (including authorities and authentication converter for use cases where OAuthentication is not enough)


  • Rename SecurityProperties to less conflicting SpringAddonsSecurityProperties


  • Turn AbstractOidc...ApiSecurityConfig into Oidc...ApiSecurityConfig with default authorities mapper being keycloak or Auth0 depending on com.c4-soft.springaddons.security.keycloak.client-id being set or not
  • More CORS and authorities mapping configuration in SecurityProperties


  • Fix missing JTI claim mapping from @OpenIdClaims (gh-35).


  • Add AbstractOidcReactiveApiSecurityConfig to spring-addons-oauth2. It provides with reasonable default WebSecurityConfig for a reactive (weblux) based API secured with OAuthentication.


  • Add AbstractOidcServletApiSecurityConfig to spring-addons-oauth2. It provides with reasonable default WebSecurityConfig for a servlet based API secured with OAuthentication.


  • lombok with provided scope (gh-31)


  • spring-boot 2.6.1
  • release with JDK version (compilation and runtime target)


  • spring-boot 2.6


  • in OAuth2 related test annotations all claims are now grouped under a single claims = @OpenIdClaims(...)
  • @WithMockJwtAuth in addition to @WithMockKeycloakAuth and @WithMockOidcAuth
  • some code cleanup, quite a bunch of code removed and some renaming (including breaking changes, reason for new major version)


  • import spring-boot 2.5.5 BOM (instead of inheriting 2.5.4 POM)


  • Downgrade Java compatibility to 1.8


  • spring-boot 2.5.4


  • replace KeycloakOidcIdAuthenticationConverter with SynchronizedJwt2OidcIdAuthenticationConverter and complement it with ReactiveJwt2OidcIdAuthenticationConverter
  • remove references to Keycloak from spring-addons-oauth2 (implementations where mostly useless)


  • bump Keycloak BOM to 14.0.0


  • bump spring-boot to 2.5


  • introduce @JsonObjectClaim and @JsonArrayClaim to configure complex private claims. Sample: @WithMockKeycloakAuth(otherClaims = @ClaimSet(jsonObjectClaims = @JsonObjectClaim(name = "foo", value = "{\"bar\":\"bad\", \"nested\":{\"deep\":\"her\"}, \"arr\":[1,2,3]}"))) or @WithMockOidcId(privateClaims = @JsonObjectClaim(name = "foo", value = "{\"bar\":\"bad\", \"nested\":{\"deep\":\"her\"}, \"arr\":[1,2,3]}"))



  • rename ServletKeycloakAuthUnitTestingSupport::keycloakAuthenticationToken() to authentication() to improve API fluidity (api.with(keycloak.authentication()).get(...))


  • implementation closer to open ID specs: split claims into @IdTokenClaims and @OidcStandardClaims
  • re-use OIDC ID annotations into @WithMockKeycloakAuth


  • OidcId::getName() returns subject claim instead of preferred_username
  • replace name with subject in @WithMockOidcId
  • replace name from @WithMockKeycloakAuth with preferedUsername in @WithAccessToken
  • support for private claims in @WithMockOidcId and @WithMockKeycloakAuth (claims with values of type int, long, String and String[] only)
  • add missing subject claim in Keycloak access and ID tokens
  • compose @WithAccessToken with @WithKeycloakIDToken instead of repeating properties (AccessToken extends IDToken)
  • add advanced @WithMockKeycloakAuth sample usage in spring-addons-oauth2-test README


  • fix Keycloak typo (was wrongly spelled Keycloack at many places)
  • add samples with authorities retrieved from a DB instead of the JWT for both OAuthentication and JwtAuthenticationToken
  • add sample involving keycloak-spring-boot-starter and keycloak-spring-security-adapter


This release is still focused on unit-testing Spring OAuth2 applications

  • @WithMockAuthentication annotation along with mockAuthentication() servlet (webmvc) and reactive (webflux) flow APIs. You choose the Authentication type, the framework feeds the security context with a Mockito mock. This is dead simple but should cover 99% of test cases. I wonder why I didn't think of it sooner...
  • Focus solely on adding to Spring Authentication implementations and tests tooling (no more alternatives, with an exception for OidcId which overlaps Spring's OidcIdToken)
  • Split webmvc (servlets) and webflux (reactive) code in distinct libs to ease dependency management
  • Re-shuffle packages and jars (less code, less jars, more expressive package names)
  • WIP: Extensives samples and tests. Samples are boot apps under src/test to keep jars small
  • Use Keycloak as authorisation-server for all resource-server samples, each of which configuring a specific Authentication impl

Note that I chose Keycloak because it's a feature rich, easy to setup authorisation-server. It should not be much of an effort to migrate sample resource-servers to another one, with an exception to those using KeycloakAuthenticationToken as authentication impl, of course.

Cheat-sheets for me when setting up a new development environment

6.1. GPG Sign Key

gpg --list-keys
# if key absent, then generate one with
gpg --gen-key
# publish public key to one of supported servers 
export GPG_PUB_KEY=(replace with "pub" key)
gpg --keyserver http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/ --send-keys $GPG_PUB_KEY
gpg --keyserver http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/ --send-keys $GPG_PUB_KEY
gpg --keyserver https://keys.openpgp.org/ --send-keys $GPG_PUB_KEY

6.2. ~/.m2/settings.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
          xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
      <!-- OSSRH Jira account -->
      <password>${env.OSSRH_PWD}</password><!-- password retrieved from environment variable -->

        <gpg.passphrase>${env.GPG_PWD}</gpg.passphrase><!-- password retrieved from environment variable -->

Add-opens for releasing with JDK 17: export JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS='--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED'