
Source Code Review resources for Bug Bounty Hunters & Developers. This Repo is updated consistently.

Welcome to the Source Code Review Resources of 2022!

This is a highly curated and well-maintained learning resource for source code review in bug bounty which includes blogs, YT Videos, and Books.

  1. JavaScript Code Review Guide for Bug Bounty Hunters- MikeChan | Blog
  2. Code-Review from Bug Bounty Bootcamp- Vickie Li | Blog
  3. Code Review Video by OWASP develop- OWASP Develop | YT Video
  4. Analyze Code for Bugs- BugBountyHunter.Com & Vickie Li | YT Video
  5. Analyzing JS Files- XSSRat | YT Video
  6. Code Review With Chrome Extension- BugCrowd | YT Video
  7. Source Review- HackerOne | YT Video
  8. Sources & Sinks- LiveOverFlow | YT Video
  9. Code Review: The Offensive Security Way- Ekoparty Security Conference | YT Video
  10. Code Review by OWASP- OWASAP Official | Book PDF
  11. JS file analysis- Securitum | Blog
  12. Source Code Review 101- Paul | Blog Series
  13. AppSec Source code review- OWASP AppSec Day | YT Video
  14. Security for Developers- FreeCodeCamp | YT Video

Credits: Rahul Bhichher