About this project

We built this application to improve ourselves as ReactJs Developers. In this project we used also NodeJs as backend. We worked with the concept of Hooks into React and also Blocks, Elements and Modifiers (BEM) with Sass to improve the application design.

As part of the challenge we decided to accomplish some goals as:


  • [✓] Get and show Comics from Marvel API
  • [✓] Pagination
  • [✓] Search of Comics Title
  • [✓] Loading
  • [✓] Show Comics details when it's clicked
  • [✓] Responsive Template

Getting API KEY

To get comics or any data from Marvel API first you have to get your own API Key.
In the next topic you'll learn how to settup you local project to use your keys correctly

Setting up local environment variables

Into this project we use dotenv package to use local environment variables.
  • At the project root marvel-catalog create a file named .env
  • In this file just insert your keys as the example below:
  • After this you should just setup the application as explained in the next topic

Fast setup (CLI Version)

  • Download or Clone the project and extract it
  • Download Node.js and install it
  • Run npm install into the project root marvel-catalog
  • Then Run npm install into the client path marvel-catalog/client
  • At the project root marvel-catalog start the app for development via command line npm run dev
  • The back now is running on 5000 port and the front on 3000. The web browser will open with the project automatically. Have fun!


Rian Tavares & Marcio Sardou
