
Hello fellow friend, here you have our project created to 'ProviHackPraTodos', it was a hackaton hosted by Provi.

We had 6 people in our team, sadly, two of them left the hackton, the last 4 members were:

Franciele Cristine - UI/UX

Edinaldo Santos - UI/UX

Dandariene Braz - Frontend Developer/PO

Marcio Cunha - Fullstack Web Developer

The Project

We had a week full of talks and speeches about diversity. By the end of the week, it was proposed to us to make an app with the following chalange:

'Como a tecnologia pode melhorar a vida de grupos diversos?' 'How technologie can improve the life of sundry groups?'

As soon as we had the challege, we created a survey and started our research, soon we found that transsexual people had a big problem when the topic was health care, it was really hard to find a good doctor who would't judge them.

So, our ideia was to create a app that would find doctors for this people, and they could give their feedback.

Unfortunally, we didn't finish this part because we were lacking two people in our team and there wasn't enough time to code everything.

How it works

First of all, it has 2 parts, the front and the back, here is the backend.

Also, it has a fully functional deploy using heroku and vercel, you can acces it here.

If you would like to run it in you machine, there are some steps, but they are pretty simple.

First, clone this repo and the back, using

git clone "url from the repo"

then in both roots, run the

npm i

command, to install all the libraries i used.

next, simply run npm start in the front (or, if you are using the new node npm run start:newNode).

For the back though it's a little bit harder, you have to create your local database, it has a .env.example archive and a dump of the database i used, also, i used postgres, so it should be pretty easy to set it all up.

Then it's ready to run, just type

npm start

on your terminal in the root of the back, and there you go.

With both, back and front runnig, the app should be working a okay.