

Welcome to zappers project, here I build the database and api for the zappers app.

Here is a link to the project running in vercel:

Unfortunately, heroku isn't working anymore, so the deploy of the backend crashed

More in depth of the project

The BackEnd part was pretty simple, it just save login and the massages that you send.

technologies I used:

How to run the project:

First, you need to clone the repo to your machine

git clone

Then, you will have to create a databse using postgres, there is a dump file, so it should be pretty easy.

Now, you have to create a .env.test archive with your database informations, following the .env.example.

Finally, go to the front (link here) and set it up.

Just type the command to install the dependencies

npm i

And run the server with

npm start

in the root of the back.