
OctoberCMS plugin to work with different notices and messages.

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Small Messages

Simple plugin to manage frontend and backend messages


GitHub clone into /plugins dir:

git clone https://github.com/jan-vince/smallmessages

OctoberCMS backend

Just look for 'Small Messages' in search field in:

Settings > Updates & Plugins > Install plugins


Settings > Administrators

You can set permissions to restrict access to Settings > Small plugins > Small Messages and to messages list.

Quick start guide

  • Install plugin.

  • Go October's backend Settings and choose Small Messages.

    • Select your prefered UI style and optionally add Close button's text.
  • Go October's backend and choose Messages from main menu.

    • Create new Message and set it as Active (you can also set dates from/to and choose to control messages window by cookie).
  • Go to CMS part of October.

    • Add new o use existing Layout, Page or Partial.
    • Add component Small Messages > messages (inside of your body tag).

Do not forget to add {% scripts %} tag to your layout page just before closing body tag! More info in October docs.

  • Open your website - message should be visible.



Should be used in your Layout, Page or Partial.


You can set date from and/or date to if you want to control when a message box should appear on your web site.


You can add list or (relative) URLs where message box should appear.


You can add a cookie control (with custom expiration) so when a user click Hide button, message box will not appear again (until a cookie expires).

You can add URLs where message box will appear even with cookie (eg. useful for /contact page).

Manually disable messages box

If you need to hide Messages box on specific Partial, Page or Layout, you can use View Bag on your Page this way:

hideMessagesBox = 1


Get list of messages

With component attached you can get messages list by {{ messages.items }}.

Your custom messages box design

If you want your custom messages box design just create folder and file messages in /themes/[your-theme-name]/partials/messages/default.htm and put your code.

If you changed default alias of Messages component (which is messages) you have to change also folder name!

For default code you can look in /plugins/janvince/smallmessages/components/messages.

My thanks goes to:
OctoberCMS team members and supporters for this great system.
Possessed Photography for banner photo.
Font Awesome for nice icons.

Created by Jan Vince, freelance web designer from Czech Republic.