
Jenkins X 3.x Infrastructure Git Template for Terraform and Google Cloud Platform for managing cloud resources

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Google Terraform Quickstart template

Use this template to easily create a new Git Repository for managing Jenkins X cloud infrastructure needs.

We recommend using Terraform to manange the infrastructure needed to run Jenkins X. There can be a number of cloud resources which need to be created such as:

  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Storage buckets for long term storage of logs
  • IAM Bindings to manage permissions for applications using cloud resources

Jenkins X likes to use GitOps to manage the lifecycle of both infrastructure and cluster resources. This requires two Git Repositories to achive this:

  • the first, infrastructure resources will be managed by Terraform and will keep resourecs in sync.
  • the second, the Kubernetes specific cluster resources will be managed by Jenkins X and keep resources in sync.


Git repositories

We use 2 git repositories:

  • Infrastructure git repository for the Terraform configuration to setup/upgrade/modify your cloud infrastructure (kubernetes cluster, IAM accounts, IAM roles, buckets etc)
  • Cluster git repository to contain the helmfile.yaml file to define the helm charts to deploy in your cluster

We use separate git repositories since the infrastructure tends to change rarely; whereas the cluster git repository changes alot (every time you add a new quickstart, import a project, release a project etc).

Often different teams look after infrastructure; or you may use tools like Terraform Cloud to process changes to infrastructure & review changes to infrastructure more closely than promotion of applications.

Getting started

  1. Create and clone your Infrastructure git repo from this GitHub Template https://github.com/jx3-gitops-repositories/jx3-terraform-gke/generate

  2. Create a Cluster git repository; choosing your desired secrets store, either Google Secret Manager or Vault:

  3. You need to configure the git URL of your Cluster git repository into the Infrastructure git repository.

So from inside a git clone of the Infrastructure git repository (which already has the files main.tf and values.auto.tfvars inside) commit the required terraform values from below to your values.auto.tfvars, e.g.

echo jx_git_url = "https://github.com/$git_owner_from_cluster_template_above/$git_repo_from_cluster_template_above" >> values.auto.tfvars
echo gcp_project = "my-cool-project" >> values.auto.tfvars

If using Google Secret Manager (not Vault) cluster template from above enable it for Terraform using:

echo gsm = true >> values.auto.tfvars

The contents of your values.auto.tfvars file should look something like this (the last line will be omitted if not using gsm)....

resource_labels = { "provider" : "jx" }
jx_git_url = "https://github.com/myowner/myname-cluster"
gcp_project = "my-gcp-project"
gsm = true
  1. commit and push any changes to your Infrastructure git repository:
git commit -a -m "fix: configure cluster repository and project"
git push
  1. Now define 2 environment variables to pass the bot user and token into Terraform:
export TF_VAR_jx_bot_username=my-bot-username
export TF_VAR_jx_bot_token=my-bot-token
  1. Now, initialise, plan and apply Terraform:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Connect to the cluster

$(terraform output connect)

Tail the Jenkins X installation logs

$(terraform output follow_install_logs)

Once finished you can now move into the Jenkins X Developer namespace

jx ns jx

and create or import your applications

jx project

Terraform Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_location The location (region or zone) in which the cluster master will be created. If you specify a zone (such as us-central1-a), the cluster will be a zonal cluster with a single cluster master. If you specify a region (such as us-west1), the cluster will be a regional cluster with multiple masters spread across zones in the region string "us-central1-a" no
cluster_name Name of the Kubernetes cluster to create string "" no
gcp_project The name of the GCP project to use string n/a yes
gsm Enables Google Secrets Manager, not available with JX2 bool false no
jx_bot_token Bot token used to interact with the Jenkins X cluster git repository string n/a yes
jx_bot_username Bot username used to interact with the Jenkins X cluster git repository string n/a yes
jx_git_url URL for the Jenins X cluster git repository string n/a yes
lets_encrypt_production Flag to determine wether or not to use the Let's Encrypt production server. bool true no
max_node_count Maximum number of cluster nodes number 5 no
min_node_count Minimum number of cluster nodes number 3 no
node_disk_size Node disk size in GB string "100" no
node_disk_type Node disk type, either pd-standard or pd-ssd string "pd-standard" no
node_machine_type Node type for the Kubernetes cluster string "n1-standard-2" no
parent_domain The parent domain to be allocated to the cluster string "" no
resource_labels Set of labels to be applied to the cluster map(string) {} no
tls_email Email used by Let's Encrypt. Required for TLS when parent_domain is specified string "" no


To remove any cloud resources created here run:

terraform destroy


When adding new variables please regenerate the markdown table

terraform-docs markdown table .

and replace the Inputs section above


When developing please remember to format codebase before raising a pull request

terraform fmt -check -diff -recursive