
Application that generates the content of my blog

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Reference 1 Reference 2 Pelican Make Command


# add the publish repo in subfolder
git clone git@github.com:Marco-Santoni/Marco-Santoni.github.io.git
mv Marco-Santoni.github.io.git output

pip install -r requirements.txt


# --On OSX only
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 && export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
# -- Development
pelican content
pelican --listen
# -- Deployment
pelican content -s publishconf.py

cd output
git add .
git commit -m "a new post"
git push
# visit http://marco-santoni.github.io/

Migrations from WP

Migrate via

pelican-import --wpfile -m markdown -o content --dir-page /media/sf_VBoxShare/marcosantoni.wordpress.2016-08-24.xml

Download all images via WP Plugin downML. Place them in content/images

Replace images url with

cat weighted-random-sampling-with-postgresql.md | sed 's/http:\/\/www.marco.*2016\/[0-9][0-9]\//\{filename\}\/images\//' > weighted-random-sampling-with-postgresql_01.md