
Linked Data Summarization with ABstraction and STATistics

Primary LanguageWeb Ontology Language

ABSTAT Build Status

Prerequisites for running and developing ABSTAT

Tested on Linux Mint 17, Mac OS X, Ubuntu 14.04

Checking out the repository and configuring your local machine

$ git clone https://github.com/rporrini/abstat.git
$ cd abstat
$ git checkout development
$ ./build-and-test.sh development

Controlling ABSTAT

ABSTAT can be controlled using the script abstat.sh from the root of the repository with the following commands:

$ abstat.sh build # builds ABSTAT and the respective docker container
$ abstat.sh start # starts ABSTAT
$ abstat.sh destroy # stops ABSTAT and deletes all the respective docker container
$ abstat.sh status # prints out the current status of ABSTAT. Useful to see if ABSTAT is running or not
$ abstat.sh log # prints out all the available logging information for ABSTAT. Useful to see if ABSTAT is running or not
$ abstat.sh exec $SCRIPT # runs a script within an already running ABSTAT container.
$ abstat.sh run [--dry] $COMMAND # runs an arbitrary bash command on an ABSTAT container. If called without option ```--dry``` all the services within the docker container are started. If ```--dry``` is specified the services are not started

Running the Summarization Pipeline

The summarization process of a dataset $DATASET expects to find an ontology in data/datasets/$DATASET/ontology and a ntriple file in data/datasets/$DATASET/triples/dataset.nt. First, ensure that ABSTAT is running (if not, issue an abstat.sh start), then:

$ abstat.sh exec pipeline/run-summarization-pipeline.sh $DATASET

The result of the summarization can be found in data/summaries/$DATASET.

Indexing an RDF Summary in Virtuoso

Once the summarization pipeline is run for a dataset $DATASET, you can index the results into the embedded Virtuoso triple store. As for running the pipeline, first ensure that ABSTAT is running, then:

$ abstat.sh exec pipeline/export-to-rdf.sh $DATASET $PAYLEVEDOMAIN

Indexing a Summary in Solr

To index the summary of a $DATASET in Solr, first ensure that ABSTAT is running, then:

$ abstat.sh exec pipeline/export-to-solr.sh $DATASET $PAYLEVELDOMAIN