
PHP docker compose setup

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Project structure

|-- projects
|   |-- php-docker
|   |   |-- README.md
|   |   |-- docker-compose.yml
|   |   |-- apache...
|   |   |-- mariadb...
|   |-- sites
|   |   |-- index.php
|   |   |-- something.php

This is important, make sure that you create a sites folder on the same level as this repository.


docker compose up - To create the container and run it for the first time.


Make sure to update environment variables to your needs on ./docker-compose.yml


  1. If you get a docker compose error on install of your container, make sure to update the hash key insinide /php-apache/Dockerfile with the latest hash key from https://getcomposer.org/download/