
Mindera - parking card management - server

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Server for a app to manage parking cards

We this service we can have an application to manage parking cards. This started because of the mess we had by using an spreadsheet, so with this we can in some away enforce users to use this and therefore have a better organization inside our company.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What you will need to start the app

node yarn


A step by step of how to get a development env running.

Start by installing node modules

yarn install

And then you can start the app

yarn start:dev

Now you can acess http://localhost:4000/graphql and play with the graphql playground

App is being served on http://localhost:4000/api to make HTTP requests

Running the tests

At this time I did not implemented tests. (soon we will have them :) )


Further more in time I want to deploy this app and have a pipeline for it so we can publish new versions and update the prod env

Built With



  • Mindera Hackathon