
Spring Boot integration with AWS S3 using Spring Cloud AWS 3

Primary LanguageJava


This project is meant to showcase how to create a Spring Boot microservice that integrates with AWS S3 to perform CRUD operations.
The upload and download file operations are performed in a streaming fashion to support large files.


  • Gradle
  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring Web
  • Spring Cloud AWS
  • TestContainers


Bucket Related

  • verify if a bucket with a given name exists
  • bucket creation
  • delete bucket

Files related

  • list bucket files names
  • read file from bucket
  • upload/overwrite file to bucket
  • delete file from bucket
  • generate pre-signed URL to share file

App Configuration

spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size and spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size are configured to support files as large as 500MB. The download of the file in streaming is supported for up to 5 minutes, you can increase it by configure the property spring.mvc.async.request-timeout (in milliseconds)

Run the App

To run the app you have to set your AWS access keys in the application.yml file. The bucket is automatically created at boot time if it doesn't already exists (this is done for your convenience, check the name of the bucket in application.yml file).

Use Postman as client

Please find in the project's root the postman-collection.json file


  1. replace generic exceptions with custom ones