This app displays information from you personal weather station by either using a data file url of by using the WeatherLink cloud.
There are two drivers. One for displaying information gotten from a url pointing to a Weatherlink data file (old school). The second driver connects to the cloud via an API token v1.
This app contains two device drivers.
Driver Weatherlink is for data retrieval via a url pointing to a WeatherLink data file. The file format is plain text with on every line a single variable and it's value. The file start with the line "BOF" and ends with "EOF". The line format is '$<var> = "<value>";'. For example '$outsideTemp = "12.8";' is the variable for the outside temperature.
Driver Weatherlink.v1.api is for data retrieval via the cloud. You need to provide a Device ID (DID), Password (account owner) and API Token (see below).
As I (developer) do not use the cloud solution I'm not sure where to find the Device ID. Most likely you'll find the Device ID when you login to the website. The Device ID looks like "001D0A00DE6A".
Log in to with your account. Go to account information. There you will find a part about the API token v1. Press "Generate New v1 Token".