This is an easy install guide of the informix database on raspberry-pi. It is mostly a 1:1 from here.
Step 1
Download Informix Developer Edition for Linux ARM v6 32
. Must be
that version and must be ARM enabled.
You can use this link.
Step 2
- Copy the tar file for installation to your
temporary folder.
scp examplefile yourusername@yourserver:/tmp
I.e. in my case:
scp ids.12.10.UC12DE.linuxARM32v6.tar pi@raspberrypi:/tmp
- Then login into your raspberry and do the following:
- Create a temporary folder for the Informix install files
mkdir /tmp/ifxinstall
- Change directory to that folder:
cd /tmp/ifxinstall
- Extract the Informix tar file - wait a bit until everything is unpacked and do not interrupt:
tar xvf /tmp/ids.12.10.UC12DE.linuxARM32v6.tar
- create a new group informix:
sudo addgroup informix
- (Ref:1) Create a new user informix (with the primary group informix). During this step you will be asked for a password for informix. Please take a note of that password. You will need it later.
sudo adduser --ingroup informix informix
- Make sure to add the user informix to the /etc/sudoers file by adding the following line by using the ‘sudo visudo’ command:
- Run the installation script
sudo ./ids_install
Follow the UI and enter the following:
- accept -> 1 RET
- specify directory where to install the products:
- accept -> 1 (wait a long bit and do not interrupt)
- Optional: As soon as the installation has successfully finished, you can delete the ifxinstall folder and the Informix install tar file if you want.
rm -rf /tmp/ifxinstall
rm /tmp/ids.12.10.UC4DE.Linux-ARM6.tar
- Optional, but highly recommended: create the following symbolic link:
sudo ln -s /opt/IBM/informix1210UC4DE /opt/IBM/informix
- Create the folder which will later contain the Informix database files:
sudo mkdir /opt/IBM/ifxdata
- Set its ownership and permissions:
sudo chown informix:informix /opt/IBM/ifxdata
sudo chmod 770 /opt/IBM/ifxdata
Step 3 Configuration and initialization of a new Informix instance
- Login as the informix user
su informix
And enter your password of (Ref:1).
- Set the $INFORMIXDIR environment variable to point to the Informix
install directory (actually to the symbolic link):
export INFORMIXDIR=/opt/IBM/informix
- Extend the $PATH environment variable:
- Set the $INFORMIXSERVER environment variable (you can choose any
name here, but let’s use ol_informix1210 for now to keep it
export INFORMIXSERVER=ol_informix1210
- Create a new Informix configuration file:
cp $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig.std $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig
- Create a new Informix hosts definition file:
cp $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts.demo $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts
- Edit the file $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig (with nano, vi or any
other editor)
I.e. enter the file via the nano editor (or any other editor)
nano $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig
And apply the following changes (use the search option ^W (control-W)):
ROOTPATH /opt/IBM/ifxdata/rootdbs DBSERVERNAME ol_informix1210 LTAPEDEV /dev/null TAPEDEV /dev/null LOGFILES 10
Save the file and exit the editor (Control-O RET; Control-X).
- Edit the file $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts
nano $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts
And add the following line:
ol_informix1210 onsoctcp localhost 9088
Note: 9088 is the port which will be used by Informix for the client/server communication. You can choose any available port you want. Save the file and exit the editor.
- Create an empty database file and set the correct access mode:
touch /opt/IBM/ifxdata/rootdbs
chmod 660 /opt/IBM/ifxdata/rootdbs
- Now we are ready to initialize Informix for the first time:
oninit -iv
The first initialization will take a few minutes and it will create a few system databases automatically. You can monitor the pogress by doing the following:
tail -f /opt/IBM/informix/tmp/online.log
Please wait until you see the following entry in the
file before you continue:‘sysadmin’ database built successfully