
A Sphinx extension that adds a CMake domain.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A Sphinx extension that adds a CMake domain.

NOTE: This software is currently in beta state. It is feature-complete for the first release and ready for being tested. There may still be bugs, though.


TODO: Update this when the package becomes available on PyPI.

Clone the sources and install via pip:

git clone https://github.com/marcokoch/sphinx-cmake_domain
cd sphinx-cmake_domain
pip install .


Enabling the extension

In your conf.py add:

extensions = [
  # ...


sphinx-cmake_domain adds the following config settings:

Setting Default value Description
cmake_modules_add_extension False Show the .cmake file extension after module names
cmake_index_common_prefix [] A list of prefixes that will be ignored when sorting CMake objects in an index

Additionally, the following standard settings are supported:

Documenting variables

.. cmake:var:: MY_VARIABLE
  My first variable ever created!

.. cmake:var:: MY_OTHER_VARIABLE "value"

  This one even has a value!

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this variable description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this variable description. Implies :noindexentry:

The following doc fields are supported:

Field Description
:type: Type of a cache variable
:default: Default value of a cache variable
:value: Documents a possible value of the variable. Can be used repeatedly.

Documenting macros/functions

.. cmake:macro:: my_macro(<param1> <param2>)

  This macro does crazy things.

.. cmake:function:: my_function(<param1> <param2> \
                      SOURCES <source1>... \
                      [OPTIONAL] (EITHER|OR) [THIS|THAT] \
                      [DISPLAY_NAME <name> [FINAL]])

  This function does the same, but supports much fancier arguments.

Directives cmake:macro and cmake:functions are aliases for each other.

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this macro/function description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this macro/function description. Implies :noindexentry:

The following doc fields are supported:

Field Description
:param:1 Documents a parameter. For example: :param <param1>: , :param SOURCES:

1 Aliases are: :parameter:, :arg:, :argument:, :keyword: and :option:

Documenting modules

.. cmake:module:: MyModule

  I wrote a module. This is it. I'm proud of it.

The module name may optionally have a .cmake extension. Whether the extension is displayed or not is controlled by the cmake_modules_add_extension configuration setting, regardless of whether it is present in the definition or not.

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this module description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this module description. Implies :noindexentry:

Documenting build targets

.. cmake:target:: myapp

  Build this and be impressed.

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this macro/function description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this macro/function description. Implies :noindexentry:

Referencing CMake objects

All documented CMake objects can be referenced using the :any: role. In addition to that, the following roles are supported:

Role Description
:cmake:var: Links to a variable
:cmake:func: Links to a macro/function
:cmake:macro: Alias for :cmake:func:
:cmake:mod: Links to a module
:cmake:tgt: Links to a build target

The target name for :cmake:func: and :cmake:macro: may be specified with or without trailing parentheses. Whether parentheses are displayed solely depends on the value of the add_function_parentheses config setting, regardless of whether they are present in source code or not.

The target name for :cmake:mod may be specified with or without the .cmake suffix. Whether the suffix is displayed solely depends on the value of the cmake_modules_add_extension configuration setting, regardless of whether it is pressent in the source code or not.

CMake index

If the html_domain_indices config setting is enabled, an index of all documented CMake objects is generated in addition to the global index. The CMake index can be referenced using :ref:`cmake-index` .


This extension is open-source software, provided under the 3-Clause BSD license. See file LICENSE for further information.

Bugs, feedback & support

Reports and requests are welcome at https://github.com/marcokoch/sphinx-cmake_domain/issues. Please use the search function before you post to avoid duplicate issues.


Pull requests are highly appreciated on GitHub.

Similar software

This extension is similar to the sphinxcontrib-cmakedomain extension. The latter seems to be no longer developed, though, and does no longer work with recent Sphinx versions. Also, this extension has some additional features over sphinxcontrib-cmakedomain and does not depend on any other packages except Sphinx.


This software is developed by Marco Koch marco-koch@t-online.de.

Please note that I'm working on this extension in my spare time. It may thus take a while until I find the time to answer. If you don't hear back within two weeks, feel free to send me a reminder.