Bluetooth configuration for Arch Linux (Endeavour Os)
- Install the bluez package, providing the Bluetooth protocol stack.
- Install the bluez-utils package, providing the bluetoothctl utility. Alternatively install bluez-utils-compat (with AUR) to additionally have the deprecated BlueZ tools.
- The generic Bluetooth driver is the btusb kernel module. Check whether that module is loaded. If it is not, then load the module.
- Start/enable bluetooth.service.
$ sudo pacman -S bluez bluez-utils
To see if the bluetooth module is present
$ lsmod | grep btusb
$ sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service
$ sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service
Launch the command of the bluetooth
$ bluetoothctl
[bluetooth]$ power on
[bluetooth]$ agent on
[bluetooth]$ default-agent
[bluetooth]$ scan on
find and select the MAC ADDRESS of the devices you want to connect
With this line we can remember the device even if is not connected
[bluetooth]$ trust <Mac Address>
[bluetooth]$ pair <Mac Address>
[bluetooth]$ connect <Mac Address>
At the end power off the scan and exit
[bluetooth]$ scan off
[bluetooth]$ exit
To Start it automatically at startup
$ sudo vim /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
if is not working try use
$ sudo vi /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
And change the comment