
Primary LanguageSolidityGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Modified ERC721 from OpenZeppelin, to attend the following:

  • Add a fixed limit for total copies minted (can't be changed after deployed)
  • Copies minted cost a fixed price (can't be changed after deployed)
  • wallets with the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE can add/remove wallets for below roles
  • wallets with the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE role can freeze/unfreeze all tokens transferability
  • in prod the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE will be owned only by "YFI story multisig"

Testing checklist for YFUtechne.sol reviewers:

  • Deploy contract in testnet and set your address as admin on deploy params, as well as the IPFS base uri
  • Mint until the max limit and make sure msg.value = mint price
  • freeze_transfers should not allow any transfer to happen but should allow mint to happen
  • unfreeze_transfers should work
  • set_base_uri should work
  • set_deposit_address should work
  • DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE should have getters to return its bytes32role value
  • Deployer address can use grantRole to give roles
  • Deployer address can use renouceRole to remove own roles
  • Deployer address can use revokeRole to remove roles form others
  • TokenURI returns an IPFS address based on _baseURI + token ID
  • approve and setApprovalForAll should allow other addresses to call transfers methods for your tokens (when transfers aren't frozen and contract isn't paused)

Todos before prod:

  • find a IPFS to host all metadata .jsons for prod (pinata free plan can't handle this for exmaple)
  • change depositAddress to YFI story multisig address
  • coordinate deploy with YFI story multisig signers
  • change MAX_SUPPLY and PRICE to match the project's needs