
Unofficial CSV mappings extension for MCPConfig (https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MCPConfig)

Primary LanguageJava


Unofficial extension for MCPConfig which supports CSV mappings like the ones available at http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/. These mappings have to be applied after classes and their members have been renamed using a .srg / .tsrg file.

This project is not very well structured at the moment and only intended as a temporary solution. Feedback is nevertheless appreciated.


This project includes the following Gradle tasks. Each task tries to do as much as possible by only logging warnings or errors when one of multiple items which should be processed fails, e.g., when mappings could not be applied to a file.

Downloads zipped CSV mappings and extracts them.


Name Type Default value Description
outDirectory Path - Where CSV files should be extracted to
version MinecraftVersion - The Minecraft release version for which mappings should be downloaded
mappingSelectionType SelectionType SelectionType.STABLE_ELSE_SNAPSHOT Defines which mapping type should be used
shouldIncludeDoc boolean true Whether the choosen mappings should include documentation
shouldAllowOlderMappings boolean true Whether older mappings should be used if no matching ones are found for the specified Minecraft version


Name Type Default value Description
projectType ProjectType - Defines the type of the project (Client, Server or Joined); this determines which mappings are used
csvDirectory Path - Directory containing the CSV mapping files
srcDirectory Path - Directory containing the source code files which should be mapped
srcOutDirectory Path - Directory to which the mapped source code file should be written


Applies the CSV mappings to source code files and writes the mapped files to a separate directory. The directories must not be descendants.

If none of the files fields.csv, methods.csv or params.csv is present this task fails.

Usage with MCPConfig

Make sure that fernflower uses 4 spaces as indentation, otherwise documentation will not be inserted. The MCPConfig issue #28 suggests to use this by default. To change the indentation when running MCPConfig for Minecraft version <version>, do the following:

  1. Open the file versions/<version>/config.json with a text editor

  2. Add to the array fernflower > args the element "-ind=    ":

        "fernflower": {
            "args": [..., "-ind=    ", ...],
  3. Decompile Minecraft again

Download from this project the folder csv_mappings with all its contents and place it in the folder buildSrc/src/main/java of MCPConfig.

The file build.gradle can be used as replacement for MCPConfig's build.gradle file. Alternatively the patch build.gradle.patch has to be used (created for MCPConfig commit a4aeb1437e4194e532a36a40b68c52676b3ca36c).

This adds the following tasks, with <version> being the respective Minecraft version supported by MCPConfig. It is recommended to run them with --info --stacktrace to be able to debug errors more easily.


Downloads the CSV mappings for the version to the folder versions/<version>/mapping_csvs. This task runs with the default values described above.

This is only available for Minecraft releases or pre-releases, but not for snapshots. For pre-releases the mappings for the respective release are used, e.g., 1.13.2-pre1 -> 1.13.2.


With <project_type> being either Client, Server or Joined.

Applies the mapping CSVs from the folder versions/<version>/mapping_csvs to the source code in versions/<version>/projects/<project_type>/src/main/java and writes the mapped files to versions/<version>/projects/<project_type>/src_csv/main/java.

This task has to be used after patches have been applied, it does not work the other way around.

It is recommended to rename the src afterwards to for example src_original and then src_csv to src. This way you can use the mapped code in your IDE and when you want to use newer mappings delete the src folder and rename the src_original folder back.