
An example of the server based on my SimpleNettyServer framework.

Primary LanguageJava

Simple netty server - example

Here is an example of a simple netty server, based on the framework I've written (https://github.com/Marcoral/SimpleNettyServer). This minimalistic example illustrates how to accept client connections, and communicate with the client using selfdefined packets. Example client is available at: https://github.com/Marcoral/SimpleNettyClient-example.


To start the server, run the program with the following arguments:

1st: Port (45256 if none specified)

You can additionally add flag -l to run server in loopback mode (thus preventing external connections).

For quick start, you can just run the compiled .jar file attached to the repository with the following command:

java -jar SimpleNettyServer-example 45256

(in the above command I called the default argument explicitly).


The server informs in case of establishing and losing connection with the clients. Below is a specification of the protocol used to interact with them.

Acceptable packets

Packet ID Packet name Expected payload Behaviour
0 Ping None Responds with Pong packet
1 Login String - name See "logging in" section
2 Example data packet Integer - respresenting data sample Displays data in the console

Logging in

The server supports simple login. Clients can send login request packets with a chosen name under which they will be recognized. If a client is already logged in, the selected name is shorter than 3 characters or longer than 16, the server will send a Login error packet - otherwise it will send a Login success packet (see below).

Packets sent

Packet ID Packet name Payload Meaning
0 Pong None Response to Ping packet
1 Login success None Packet indicating successful login
2 Login error String - error details Packet providing login error data