
This project is about creating a simple shell

Primary LanguageC



Table of Contents

  • Introdution
  • Features
  • Getting started
    • Prerequisites
    • Instalation
  • Usage
  • Commands


MiniShell 42 is a simple, lightweight Unix shell written in C, inspired by Bash. It is designed to provide a basic shell environment for users to interact with their operating system through a command-line interface.

This project was developed as part of the "42 School" curriculum, and it serves as a hands-on project to learn and practice systems programming concepts in Unix-like environments.


  • Basic command execution.
  • Simple command-line parsing.
  • Support for built-in commands (e.g., cd, echo, pwd, env).
  • Input and output redirection (e.g., >, >>, <).
  • Heredoc.
  • Pipes for chaining commands (e.g., command1 | command2).
  • Enviroment variable expansions.
  • Signal handling (e.g., Ctrl+C to interrupt).
  • Error handling.

Getting Started


To build and run MiniShell 42, you'll need:

  • A Unix-like operating system (Linux recommended).
  • A C compiler (e.g., GCC).
  • Make utility.


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/MarcosFlavioGS/MiniShell

Change to the directory and run the Make command

> cd MiniShell
> make

This will compile the MiniShell source code and create an executable called minishell.


To start MiniShell 42, simply run the minishell executable from the project directory:


You will be presented with a command prompt where you can enter Unix-like commands. MiniShell 42 supports a variety of built-in commands as well as external commands available in your system's PATH.

To exit MiniShell 42, you can use the exit command or press Ctrl+D.


MiniShell 42 supports both built-in commands and external commands. Here are some examples of built-in commands:

  • cd [directory]: Change the current working directory.
  • echo [text]: Display text.
  • pwd: Print the current working directory.
  • env: Display the environment variables.
  • export: export a new environment variable or update an existing one.
  • unset: Removes an environment variable.
  • exit: Exits the shell.

You can also run external commands that are available in your system's PATH, such as:

  • ls: List files and directories.
  • cat [file]: Display the contents of a file.
  • gcc [source.c] -o [output]: Compile a C program. ...

Feel free to explore more Unix commands and use them within MiniShell 42.