This repository is created for our Senior Design Project, Soccer Video Analytics, in conjunction with SporSight LLC. We worked on this project from February 2018 - November 2018.
This repository is created to enhance the OpenPose Pose Estimations on a multi-object detection view. Although OpenPose is designed for Multi-Object Detections, it fails to detect people of small sizes (100 pixels and smaller). To fix this issue, we created this repository.
The requirements for this project are the computed YOLO Detections, and video frames. The computed YOLO Detections fall in the following form:
- A Folder titled YOLO
- sub folder titled dets containing the detections found by YOLO.
- Each file should be titled {X}.txt, where x represents the detections for that frame.
- sub folder titled frames containing the frames of the video.
- Each file should be titled {x}.jpg where x represents the frame number.
- sub folder titled dets containing the detections found by YOLO.
Each of the detection files as mentioned above should follow this format:
object confidence x1 y1 x2 y2
person .98 1343 600 1367 640
person .68 568 230 597 250
person .50 229 450 250 486
Because we limited the output of our YOLO code to only "person"'s detected, we didn't worry about other objects.
The following describes how the pipeline of this repository works.
- Supply YOLO dataset
- run with crop mode (more on this later)
- pass extracted images to OpenPose
- pass extracted JSON files from OpenPose to pycape repository (more on this later)
- run on export mode
At this point, the keypoints of each frame are extracted and held in one JSON file. From here we plan to pass these keypoints in to DetectAndTrack, with the bounding boxes. We may pickle these together or read them from the extracted JSON file.
This Folder holds the precomputed YOLO detections and frames. Folder structure explained above under requirements
This folder holds the keypoints as constructed by OpenPose. Currently, will need to be placed in this folder until pipelining is completed, or until all is containerized. These will be saved in the format: frame{x}player{y}_keypoints.json, where x represents the frame and y represents the player #.
This folder stores the positions of each player in each frame after being modified and accepted as an actual player to detect. It reorganizes the values to match what is expected for DetectAndTrack.
This folder stores the images cropped by the Crop method. These crops are determinded by the precomputed YOLO detections and are the images that are passed to OpenPose.
This folder contains the combined keypoints of each player detected on a field. This folder is populated after running the export method in
This folder isn't necessary as it just holds the cropped images from OpenPose. These aren't necessarily needed, because all computation happens based off of the JSON files, not the images.
This holds the basic information of each player that is being computed. It stores the following information:
- Player ID: currently not in use, but left just in case for future use.
- x1: first x position of the player (Left-most x position of Bounding Box)
- y1: first y position of the player (Bottom-most position of Bounding Box)
- x2: second x position of the player (Right-most position of Bounding Box)
- y2: second y position of the player (Top-most position of Bounding Box)
- confidence: confidence level of the detected object being a player.
Where the methods are found that are ran for exporting images/JSON files. Variables included in this class are hardcoded to have paths but can be modified via command line arguments:
- numFrames: the number of total frames to run through.
- framePath: the path to the YOLO/frames/
- detectionPath: the path to the YOLO/dets/
- estimatedPath: unused currently.
- currentFrame: The current frame being used.
- fileExt: the extension of the YOLO/frame images.
- playersPerFrame: modified, unused currently.
This method is used when the command line argument --mode crop is passed. The purpose of this method is to crop subimages of the original image based off of the YOLO detections.
This method is used to export the individual player keypoints into a single file per frame. It input the seperate OpenPose keypoint files as frame{x}player{y}_keypoints.json to frame{x}keypoints.json where x is a frame number and y is a player number.
This method is used for debugging. It was written to plot all the keypoints detected from OpenPose using matplotlib. It also currently saves the plots, but isn't very useful since the saved images are scaled down and include the axes.
Predecessor function to plotPlayersToOriginal(). It was also written for debug, but plots each player to the cropped image that was sent to OpenPose.
parser.add_argument('-f', '--framePath', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--detectionPath', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--numFrames', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-e', '--ext', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', required=True)
--framePath: path for the YOLO frame locations
--detectionPAth: path for the YOLO frame detections
--numFrames: number of frames to run though
--ext: image file extension
--mode: mode to run. either export or crop