
Guide your customers to better user experiences as shepherds guide sheeps to the farmyard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Shepherd

Lightweight, headless, in-app tutorial builder to guide your customers to better user experiences as shepherds guide sheeps to the farmyard.

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The element that holds your tutorial is a Farmyard. Your tutorial steps (a.k.a Sheeps) will be portaled to their Farmyard. It's a container you can put anywhere in your app; it creates a stacking context to make sure your Sheeps are visible.


  • zIndex?: increase the z-index if needed.
  • id?: if, under some weird circumstances, the Farmyard's id clashes with some other id in your app, you can give it a custom one. However, doing so requires letting the Shepherd know. By default, it's id is shepherd-farmyard.
import { Farmyard } from 'js-shepherd'

export const App = () => (
    <Farmyard />
    {/** your app here, maybe */}


The guy that coordinates the Sheeps is... the Shepherd(Provider)!


  • options?:
    • farmyardId: in case you need to give a custom id to your Farmyard, match it here. Defaults to shepherd-farmyard.
    • shouldAutoScrollIntoView: whether Sheeps should be auto scrolled into view or not.
import { Farmyard, ShepherdProvider } from 'js-shepherd'

export const App = () => (
    // Any subtree of your app which needs a tutorial!


A group of tutorial steps is a Flock. A tutorial may be composed by one or more Flocks. A Flocks' single responsability is portalling their Sheeps to the Farmyard.

import * as React from 'react'
import { Flock, Sheep } from 'js-shepherd'

export const Home = () => {
  const ref = React.useRef()
  return (
      <div ref={ref}>I need a tutorial!</div>
        <Sheep spotRef={ref}>
          {/** `Sheep`s content will be unveiled later */}
import { Farmyard, ShepherdProvider } from 'js-shepherd'

import { Home } from './Home'

export const App = () => (
    <Farmyard />
    <Home />


A single tutorial step is a Sheep. A flock may be composed by one or more Sheeps.


  • number?: by default, Sheeps are ordered withing a Flock from 0 to N in the order they are written, and that's the recommended way of using Sheeps. However, number allows you to specify your own order.
  • options?:
    • delay: the miliseconds a Sheep should wait until being scrolled into view. Defaults to 0.
  • spotRef: a ref to the spot (element) a Sheep points to. The spot is the element that determines the position of the Sheep.

Hooks based API

useShepherd allows you to consume:

  • flock: the list of Sheeps.
  • setFlock: programmatically/imperatively add Sheeps. Whether this is useful or not is hard to tell.
  • shepherd:
    • activeSheep: the number of the current active Sheep.
    • options: the Shepherd options.
  • setShepherd: programmatically/imperatively update Shepherd's state. Whether this is useful or not is hard to tell.
  • goNextSheep: function that goes to the next step.
  • goPreviousSheep: function that goes to the previous step.
  • openFarmyard: function that resets the tutorial to the first step.
  • closeFarmyard: function that dismisses the tutorial.
import * as React from 'react'
import { Flock, Sheep } from 'js-shepherd'

export const Home = () => {
  const greetRef = React.useRef()
  const farewellRef = React.useRef()
  const {
  } = useShepherd()

  const { length: flockSize } = flock;

  return (
        <button onClick={openFarmyard}>Restart</button>
        <button onClick={goPreviousSheep}>Previous</button>
        <button onClick={goNextSheep}>Next</button>
        <button onClick={closeFarmyard}>End</button>
      <div ref={greetRef}>Hi!</div>
      <div ref={farewellRef}>Bye!</div>
        <Sheep spotRef={greetRef}>
        <Sheep spotRef={farewellRef}>
import { Farmyard, ShepherdProvider } from 'js-shepherd'

import { Home } from './Home'

export const App = () => (
    <Farmyard />
    <Home />

Render props based API

Passing a function as a Sheep children will be called with the same stuff as useShepherd returns, but, in addition:

  • getSheepProps: props getter whichs use is always recommended. It gives the Sheep's children a good default position based on the spotRef's.
  • position:
    • x: the horizontal position of the Sheeps spot (the x result of calling getClientBoundingRect on the Sheep's spotRef).
    • y: the vertical position of the Sheeps spot (the y result of calling getClientBoundingRect on the Sheep's spotRef).
    • height: the height of the Sheeps spot (the height result of calling getClientBoundingRect on the Sheep's spotRef).
  • flockLength: the length of the Flock. Will probably be deprecated or added to useShepherd.
import * as React from 'react'
import { Flock, Sheep } from 'js-shepherd'

export const Home = () => {
  const greetRef = React.useRef()
  const farewellRef = React.useRef()

  return (
      <div ref={greetRef}>Hi!</div>
      <div ref={farewellRef}>Bye!</div>
        <Sheep spotRef={greetRef}>
          {({ closeFarmyard, getSheepProps, goNextSheep, goPreviousSheep }) => (
                style: {
                  background: "#eee",
                  padding: "20px 10px"
                <button onClick={goPreviousSheep}>Previous</button>
                <button onClick={closeFarmyard}>Skip</button>
                <button onClick={goNextSheep}>Next</button>

        <Sheep spotRef={farewellRef}>
          {({ closeFarmyard, getSheepProps, goPreviousSheep, goNextSheep }) => (
                style: {
                  background: "#eee",
                  padding: "10px 20px"
                <button onClick={goPreviousSheep}>Previous</button>
                <button onClick={closeFarmyard}>End</button>
                <button onClick={goNextSheep}>Next</button>
import { Farmyard, ShepherdProvider } from 'js-shepherd'

import { Home } from './Home'

export const App = () => (
    <Farmyard />
    <Home />