
In this repository are my practices of Programming Methodology that I did in 1st of Computer Engineering at the University of Córdoba in Course 19/20.

Primary LanguageC



The practices are organized as follows:

The P# folders represent each of the practices with their corresponding number, also in each practice you will find a PDF document with the statements of the exercises.

Within these folders are a series of subfolders denoted as E# that represent each of the exercises of the practices.

There are two kinds of exercises:

Theoretical exercises: as a general rule are usually a photo in JPG format since it was more comfortable for me to make diagrams that were sometimes necessary.

Practical exercises: made up of 4 files: First, 2 .c files where the main and functions are stored, a .h file that stores the function's header and an executable file with the compiled program.

The executables have been compiled in Ubuntu 18.04 so if you want to run them you must do it through the terminal by executing the following command in the folder where the file is found:


	./*Name of the file you want to run*