
A series of xslt stylesheets that transform xml output from exiftool or BWF metaedit, merge data from several sources, and generate xml and html files for ingest into NYPR Archives' various systems

Primary LanguageHTML


Stylesheets for importing instantiations into the NYPR Archives

2021-01-25 Commit:

Simplified masterRouter, added more flexibility, added unstructured exiftool error Fixed instantiationID2Exif bugs - orders instantiation IDs, better filename generation (better segment suffix handling), better date handling Better parseDAVIDTitle error handling, new parseInstantiationID template better selectionOrExcerpt Bug fixes

Issues: Error log counts off Simplify masterRouter further

Oct 2020 update:

  1. "SeriesQC" takes a series name and performs quality control on cavafy entries
  2. LoC entries accept new 'https' entries
  3. New/improved connections among exiftool, cavafy, BWF MetaEdit and DAVID schemas
  4. Better handling of segment files within an asset
  5. Better CV control of physical items via cavafyFormats.xml
  6. Bug fixes