
A list of awesome artificial intelligence resources for the GLAM community.

Awesome AI for Libraries DOI


A list of awesome artificial intelligence resources for the GLAM community. Inspired by the awesome list.

The goal of this list is to create a curated list of various materials related to AI in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums. For a broad introduction to the field of artificial intelligence, please see the Awesome Artificial Intelligence (AI) list of AI courses, books, video lectures and papers.

Table of Contents


If you would like to contribute to this list, please check out CONTRIBUTING.md.

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Current maintainers:



To the extent possible under law, the owner has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

The List

AI Labs



Journal Articles and Published Conference Proceedings

Book Chapters

  • Joiner, I. A. (2018). Chapter 1 - Artificial Intelligence: AI is Nearby. Emerging Library Technologies (pp. 1-22). Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-102253-5.00002-2

Theses, Dissertations, and Coursework


  • Michael Ridley's Library AI blog hosted by Ryerson University Library.
Mailing Lists