
Arcade Game (Frogger)


This game was made as part of the Udacity Frontend Nanodegree for Project 3. It is based on the classic arcade game Frogger.

How to Run the Game

If you wish to open the game in a browser, simply follow this link.

Alternately, go to the repository and clone/download it to your PC. Then open index.html in the browser of your choice.

How to Play

Players control the hero character using their keyboard's arrow keys. Up, down, left, and right move the character in those directions on screen. Each press moves the character by one square on screen.

Enemies move horiziontally across the screen. The player must avoid these as they make their way to the top of the screen.

Once the player reaches the top of the screen, they win!


This program uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The arrow keys graphic on the introductory modal comes from freeware game tool Pygame.

All other graphics (player, enemy, background) provided by Udacity Frontend Web Developer Nanodegree project files.

The fonts "Open Sans" and "Press Start P2" come from Google Fonts.