Command line tool (bash script) for the TR-064 interface of fritzboxes
- Dannyboy001
- digitaltomSUSE
- dsneedle
- ernolfMostly in Germany
- floh96@Nix-wie-weg
- frampsNext to Stuttgart, Germany
- FrischifrischLong-term unemployed
- glutorangeDortmund, Germany
- hhgsplkSplunk
- ikem-krueger
- jerolimovRed Hat
- jojomiGermany
- kettchenkuno
- LedariaTim1
- leonardglaeserFerrero
- leonardo0014Bavaria, Germany
- likesource
- m-rey@SUSE
- marvinlehmannGermany
- misel228
- MKlee333
- mkoch66
- pgress
- POWTEXAachen
- ppacFreiburg, Germany
- rollbrettlerBerlin
- SDohle@rosen-group
- seamlessfirework
- stepborc
- thomsenoObersontheim, Germany
- TMillesichAustria
- Tone866
- utechnicsGermany
- webzimmer
- zoke
- zone-b